text: the text string that you want to check from. 1. Please enter or copy the following formula into cell C2: =IF(ISNUMBER(SEARCH(C$1,$A2)),C$1,"") 2. Then, drag the fill handle to right to display all the texts which appear in the cell A2 based on the corresponding row dat...
2. Display matches if the cell contains text from a list The image above demonstrates a formula that checks if a cell contains a value in the list and then returns that value. If multiple values match then all matching values in the list are displayed. For example, cell B3 contains "ZDS...
Return a value if another cell contains text using Kutools for Excel, automating conditional data extraction to streamline workflows and decision-making.
I'm trying to extract a bunch of specific text combinations from cells and present it in a new cell. This formula seems to work for two variables but I can't add any more variables too it. =IFERROR... SergeiBaklanI really like your solution with nested formatting, tho...
If I have a list of things, and I want to have the return from another list if it contains certain keywords. In the appendix of file, the column A is...
In the second formula, the ISTEXT function evaluates each cell in the specified range and returns an array of TRUE (text) and FALSE (not text) values; the double unary operator (--) coerces TRUE and FALSE into 1's and 0's; and SUMPRODUCT adds up the numbers. ...
If Cell.Value = UserForm1.TextBox1.Text Then Range(Starting_Cell).Cells(Count3, Count2) = Selection.Cells(j, Data_Selected).Value Count3 = Count3 + 1 End If Else MsgBox "Select Either Any Value or Specific Value.", vbExclamation ...
We have entries of certainCategoriesandProductsin a dataset. We’ll check if a cell contains text and then return a value in Excel. Method 1 – Use the IF Function to Check If Cell Contains Text, Then Return a Value The syntax of theIFfunction is: ...
Check if part of a cell matches specific text To do this task, use theIF,FIND, andISNUMBERfunctions. Note:The FIND function is case-sensitive. The formula in the above screenshot uses the following arguments. Formula to check for text ...
If cell contains then Excel IF statement with dates At first sight, it may seem that IF formulas for dates are akin to IF statements for numeric and text values. Regrettably, it is not so. Unlike many other functions, IF does recognize dates in logical tests and interprets them as mere ...