婴童用品 Babies/Kids 作品名称:Thule Urban Glide 3设计:Thule Group AB25照明 Lighting作品名称:SparkShape PARIS设计:Simon Busse Studio26游戏/ VR / AR电竞/ 虚拟现实技术产品 Gaming/VR/AR作品名称:Access (TM) controller设计:Sony Interactive Entertainment LLC27电脑 Computer作品名称:HP Spectre Fold设...
作品名称:The iii Museum 设计:SERVICEPLAN GERMANY / PLAN.NET GERMANY, lili Studios, Hyperinteractive, ASA NORTH / Ahmadreza Schricker Architecture 72 作品名称:Lucid In-Vehicle Experience (LIVE) 设计:Lucid Motors 用户界面(UI)User Interface (...
39.The iii Museum(人工智能博物馆) Designer设计者:SERVICEPLAN GERMANY / PLAN.NET GERMANY, lili Studios, Hyperinteractive, ASA NORTH / Ahmadreza Schricker Architecture 设计说明: The iii, created by Mohammed Afkhami Foundation, is a revolutionary virtual museum dedicated to Contemporary Iranian Artists ...
39.The iii Museum(人工智能博物馆) Designer设计者:SERVICEPLAN GERMANY / PLAN.NET GERMANY, lili Studios, Hyperinteractive, ASA NORTH / Ahmadreza Schricker Architecture 设计说明: The iii, created by Mohammed Afkhami Foundation, is a revolutionary virtual museum dedicated to Contemporary Iranian Artists ...
06、Brisk x Marvel Studios: Wakanda Forever Ltd Ed 设计机构 百事可乐设计与创新,美国,纽约 07、Buteli | Extra Virgin Olive Oil 设计机构 Chris Trivizas,希腊,雅典 08、张裕可雅XO白兰地 设计机构 深圳卓上品牌设计顾问,中国,深圳 09、国藏钓鱼台 ...
参赛公司/业主:JIA Studios LLP 公司地址:新加坡 Singapore 54 项目名称:K House 参赛公司:escapefromsofa 业主:Mandarin Oriental Bodrum 公司地址:土耳其,伊斯坦布尔 Istanbul, Turkey 55 项目名称:Bedroom "Dreams of the sea" 参赛公司/业主:Cha-design
设计:SERVICEPLAN GERMANY / PLAN.NET GERMANY, lili Studios, Hyperinteractive, ASA NORTH / Ahmadreza Schricker Architecture 72 作品名称:Lucid In-Vehicle Experience (LIVE) 设计:Lucid Motors 用户界面(UI)User Interface (UI) 73 数字媒体...
设计:SERVICEPLAN GERMANY /http://PLAN.NETGERMANY, lili Studios, Hyperinteractive, ASA NORTH / Ahmadreza Schricker Architecture 72 作品名称:Lucid In-Vehicle Experience (LIVE) 设计:Lucid Motors 用户界面(UI)User Interface (UI) 73 数字媒体接口 Digital Media Interfaces ...
The PFL Challenger Series returns to Universal Studios next Friday night, March 10, with... 1 min read The Fighting News TODAY AT NOON ETThomas “Cornflake” LaManna Media Workout Saturday, March 4th at The P4P Boxing & Fitness in Atco, New Jersey March 4, 2023 THE FIGHTING NEWS ...
设计:SERVICEPLAN GERMANY / PLAN.NET GERMANY, lili Studios, Hyperinteractive, ASA NORTH / Ahmadreza Schricker Architecture 72 作品名称:Lucid In-Vehicle Experience (LIVE) 设计:Lucid Motors 用户界面(UI)User Interface (UI) 73 数字媒体接口 Digital Media Interfaces ...