作品名称:Thule Urban Glide 3设计:Thule Group AB25照明 Lighting作品名称:SparkShape PARIS设计:Simon Busse Studio26游戏/ VR / AR电竞/ 虚拟现实技术产品 Gaming/VR/AR作品名称:Access (TM) controller设计:Sony Interactive Entertainment LLC27电脑 Computer作品名称:HP Spectre Fold设计:HP Design + Nativ...
Cloud Studio代码运行 @OrderHandlerType(source="mobile")publicclassMobileOrderHandlerimplementsOrderHandler{@Overridepublicvoidhandle(Order order){System.out.println("处理移动端订单");}}@OrderHandlerType(source="pc")publicclassPCOrderHandlerimplementsOrderHandler{@Overridepublicvoidhandle(Order order){System....
作品名称:can do decoded 设计:SERVICEPLAN GERMANY /http://PLAN.NETGERMANY, Studio Oeding GmbH, Spark Marketing Entertainment, Druckerei Siepmann 电影/视频 Film/Video 作品名称:The Rift 设计:SERVICEPLAN GERMANY /http://PLAN.NETGERMANY, ANORAK Film, Time Based Arts, Sound Park 品牌Branding 作品名称:S...
Designer设计者:Simon Busse Studio 设计说明: PARIS was created in the field of tension between minimalist formal language and technical precision. The two flat surfaces, which come together at one point, receive their contours through the white light lines. We have deliberately taken up the archetyp...
Lebedev Studio 公司地址:俄罗斯,莫斯科 Moscow, Russia 49 虚拟XR制作 Virtual XR production 项目名称:BMW #NEXTGen2020 参赛公司:Elastique. We design. 业主:宝马集团 BMW Group 公司地址:德国,科隆 Köln, Germany 50 网站Website 项目名称:ORIGAMI LETTER 参赛公司:AQUARING Inc. 业主:兄弟工业株式会社 ...
Version 2.2.145 or later of Outlook mobile for Android *MSI versions of Outlook show admin-installed add-ins in the appropriate Outlook ribbon, not the "My add-ins" section. Exchange Online requirements Microsoft Exchange stores the add-in manifests within your organization's tenant. The admin...
参赛公司:UNC STUDIO 业主:loose kyoto 07 公共空间 Public 项目名称:Hi Toilet 参赛公司:TBWA...
Mobile Network Mongo Cluster Monitor MySQL NetApp Files Network New Relic Observability Nginx Notification Hubs Operator Nexus - Network Cloud Oracle Database Orbital Palo Alto Networks Peering Playwright Testing Policy Insights PostgreSQL Power BI Dedicated Private DNS Provider Hub Purview Qumulo Quota Recov...
Mobile Network Mongo Cluster Monitor MySQL NetApp Files Network New Relic Observability Nginx Notification Hubs Operator Nexus - Network Cloud Oracle Database Orbital Palo Alto Networks Peering Playwright Testing Policy Insights PostgreSQL Power BI Dedicated Private DNS Provider Hub Purview Qumulo Quota Recov...