It is where multiple IF statements come in handy. Syntax of the IF Function The syntax of the IF function is as follows: =IF(logical_test, [value_if_true], [value_if_false]) Excel multiple IF statements conditions range Source:
Notice that we first use the ISBLANK function to test C6 to make sure that it is not blank. This is because if C6 if blank, it will evalulate to greater than 0 and thus return 150000. To avoid this, we include ISBLANK(C6)=FALSE as one of the conditions in addition to C6>=0 and...
AP column = 42 If vDB(i, 27) = "SR0000" And vDB(i, 42) = 0 Then ElseIf vDB(i, 27) = "WG0000" And vDB(i, 42) = 0 Then 'any further ElseIf statements can be added with a different set of conditions Else 'This gets triggered only if none of the If or ElseIf ...
Using the AND or OR function in combination with the IF function allows you to evaluate multiple conditions simultaneously.For example, =IF(AND(A1>50, B1>60), "Pass", "Fail") checks if A1 is greater than 50 and B1 is greater than 60. If both conditions are met, it returns "Pass";...
Conditional statements using the IF function are one of Excel's most powerful tools. In short, IF uses logic to determine what action to take based on conditions that you outline in your spreadsheet. It works off of basic boolean logic using the TRUE and FALSE functions; you can also ...
These statements are still pretty lengthy, but they aren’t nested, making them simpler to read. The IFS Function Another feature of Microsoft Excel 2016 and later versions is the IFS function. You can use it to evaluate multiple conditions. Here is the syntax of the IFS function: ...
Whilst you can get the result you want using multiple IF statements in a formula, I recommend you look at using a VLOOKUP function instead. You'll find it a lot easier, and more flexible if you need to change it later. You canlearn about the VLOOKUP function here. ...
total more than $5,000, then return a “Yes” for Bonus; otherwise, return a “No” for Bonus. We can also use the IF function to evaluate a single function, or we can include several IF functions in one formula. Multiple IF statements in Excel are known as nested IF statements. ...
Just be aware that it will always follow the first condition that meets the criteria, in this case multiplying it by 0.5. Also take a look at IFS, which is good for multiple IF statements. The format is the condition followed by the action, followed by a new condition and s...
Excel's NOT function Using IF statements in Excel Excel's SUMIF function Excel's SUMIF with multiple criteria: SUMIFS How to use Excel's COUNTIF function Using Excel's COUNTIFS function The AVERAGEIF function AVERAGEIF with multiple criteria: AVERAGEIFS Charts and graphs PivotTables Advanced for...