selection-statement: if (expression)statement if (expression)statementelsestatement In both forms of theifstatement, the expressions, which can have any value except a structure, are evaluated, including all side effects. In the first form of the syntax, ifexpressionis true (nonzero),stat...
深入瞭解 Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp.Syntax 命名空間中的 Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp.Syntax.IfStatementSyntax.WithStatement。
Syntax selection-statement: if (expression)statement if (expression)statementelsestatement In both forms of theifstatement, the expressions, which can have any value except a structure, are evaluated, including all side effects. In the first form of the syntax, ifexpressionis true (nonzero),state...
When the user enters 5, the test expressionnumber<0is evaluated to false and the statement inside the body ofifis not executed C if...else Statement Theifstatement may have an optionalelseblock. The syntax of theif..elsestatement is: if(test expression) {// run code if test expression ...
1、if语法格式 1.1 if格式 if condition; then commands; fi 1.2 else if 和 else if c...
Since both theifstatement and the method call toConsole.WriteLine()are short, you might be tempted to combine them on a single line. After all, C# syntax for theifstatement allows you to combine statements in this way. Update your code in the Visual Studio Code Editor as follows: ...
根据表达式的值有条件地执行一组语句。 语法 VB复制 ' Multiline syntax:Ifcondition [Then] [ statements ] [ElseIfelseifcondition [Then] [ elseifstatements ] ] [Else[ elsestatements ] ]EndIf' Single-line syntax:IfconditionThen[ statements ] [Else[ elsestatements ] ] ...
根据表达式的值有条件地执行一组语句。 语法 VB复制 ' Multiline syntax:Ifcondition [Then] [ statements ] [ElseIfelseifcondition [Then] [ elseifstatements ] ] [Else[ elsestatements ] ]EndIf' Single-line syntax:IfconditionThen[ statements ] [Else[ elsestatements ] ] ...
If the conditional expression is satisfied (TRUE), the statement after the THEN keyword will be returned. When the conditional expression is not satisfied (FALSE), the statement after the ELSE keyword will be returned.SyntaxA typical IF-ELSE Statement Tableau looks like this:...
Apart from syntax, the case statement differs from the multiway if-else-if construct in two important ways: a) The conditional expressions in the if-else-if construct are more general than comparing one expression with several others, as in the case statement. ...