将数据集SASHELP.workers第10到15条观测中满足条件"ELECTRIC>260"的观测提取出来,生成新的数据集tmp。 代码1: data tmp; set SASHELP.workers(firstobs=10 obs=15); if ELECTRIC > 260; run; proc print data = tmp; title 'IF Statement'; run; 运行结果(4条记录): 代码2: data tmp; set SASHELP.w...
在SAS中,可以使用IF语句来设置等于0或1的变量。IF语句是一种条件语句,根据条件的真假来执行不同的操作。 在SAS中,IF语句的基本语法如下: ``` IF condition THEN do;...
1.1:The WHERE statement examines what is in the input page buffer and selects observations before they are loaded in the program data vector, which results in a savings in CPU operations(Where从buffer中进行筛选再读入pdv) The subsetting IF statement loads all observations sequentially into the pro...
sas条件判断语句where,if的区别,以及where选项 1:where和If最本质的区别,以及⼀些⼩的区别 1.1:The WHERE statement examines what is in the input page buffer and selects observations before they are loaded in the program data vector, which results in a savings in CPU operations(Where从buffer...
select 里包含 if statement if语句和where语句是SAS中最常用的逻辑判断语句,主要用于数据筛选和条件赋值。当进行多分支的条件判断时,可以使用if...else语句来实现。如下: if .<AGE<18 then AGEGR1N=1; else if 18<=AGE<=40 then AGEGR1N=2; else if 41<=AGE<=64 then AGEGR1N=3;...
Mike K Smith
在DATA STEP 使用:构造子集 IF 语句.(subsetting IF statement) 语法: IF expression; 例: IF Sex = ' f ' ; IF expression; 这样的看起来有点怪,但是正确的. 表明:当expression 是TRUE时, SAS继续执行 DATA step。 如果expression 是 FALSE, 对当前observation不继续执行下面的语句,且,该observation不加入...
如果我们查看第14.7节,我们会发现语句中可能有标签前缀,例如: LabeledStatement:标识符:语句 理论上,标签应该能够标记任何后续语句。因此,例如,以下内容相应地编译: public class Test { public static void main(String[] args) { hello: return; } } 从直觉上看,这还汇编了: public class Test { int i; ...
in the Americas; run; 行: IF WHERE 数据 SASHELP.workers 10 到 15 条中满足条件 ELECTRIC260 的,新的数据tmp 1: data tmp; set SASHEL .workers (firstobs=10 obs=15); if ELECTRIC 260; run; proc print data = tmp; title IF Statement; run; 行(4 条): 2: data tmp; set SASHEL ....
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