IF<condition_2>.<statementblock>. ELSE.<statementblock>. ENDIF. ELSE<statementblock>. ENDIF. 实例: **条件语句-03-嵌套If语句REPORTzhy01_hy101_20220617_01NOSTANDARDPAGEHEADING.DATA:title_1(10)TYPEc,title_2(15)TYPEc,title_3(10)TYPEc.title_1='ABAP'.title_2='Programming'.title_3='Tutori...
语法:IF <condition1>.<statement block> ELSEIF <condition2>.<statement block> ELSEIF <condition3>.<statement block> ...ELSE.<statement block> ENDIF.范例:DATA: TEXT1(30) VALUE 'This is the first text',TEXT2(30) VALUE 'This is the second text',TEXT3(30) VALUE 'This is...
因为我们讨论的代码在 WebClient UI 运行环境下执行,显然不需要 MESSAGE 语句像在 SAPGUI 环境下,执行时弹出一个对话框,因此我们将 MESSAGE e034(crm_mdg_core) 放在永远不可能进入的 IF 1 = 0 分支内,起到的作用是,让 ABAP Message Text 的 Cross Reference 即 Where Used List 功能,能够顺利捕捉到这条消息...
因为我们讨论的代码在 WebClient UI 运行环境下执行,显然不需要 MESSAGE 语句像在 SAPGUI 环境下,执行时弹出一个对话框,因此我们将 MESSAGE e034(crm_mdg_core) 放在永远不可能进入的 IF 1 = 0 分支内,起到的作用是,让 ABAP Message Text 的 Cross Reference 即 Where Used List 功能,能够顺利捕捉到这条消息...
If I'm right about it_afko declaration the above statement refers to the work area of the table, not to the table itself. You can put the following instead: IF it_afko[] IS NOT INITIAL. This way you explicitly tell that internal table it_afko is referred to in the IF statement. Bes...
After IF and ELSEIF any logical expressions log_exp can be executed while the expressions statement_block stand for any statement blocks. The logical expressions, beginning with the IFstatement, are checked from top to bottom and the statement block after the first is executed during the logical...
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development Hi~ gurus... Let me ask someting. something funny and weird. I used 'if~ elseif~ endif' statement, in my code(abap). Like this, if ... elseif ... elseif ... ...X 24times. endif. Is there any limit usage of 'elseif' satement? I used...
https://help.sap.com/http.svc/rc/abapdocu_752_index_htm/7.52/en-US/index.htm?file=abenlocal_declar_g... Reply matt Active Contributor In response to horst_keller 2018 May 24 7:04 AM 1 Kudo 1,110 SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development I used to do near-to declaration. ...
在SAP ABAP 中,if_http_extension 接口是用于处理 HTTP 请求和响应的标准接口。其中,lifetime_rc 是一个接口方法的参数,其含义是 HTTP 会话(Session)的状态代码。 HTTP 会话是指客户端与服务器之间的一段持续时间,客户端在该会话期间可以发送多个请求,而服务器会为每个请求提供相应的响应。在 HTTP 会话中,lifeti...