A working solution is to use IF in combination withISNUMBERandSEARCH(case-insensitive) orFIND(case-sensitive). For example, in case "No" action is required both for "Delivered" and "Out for delivery" items, the following formula will work a treat: =IF(ISNUMBER(SEARCH("deliv", B2)), "N...
Hi all I need a bit of help building on a COUNT + SEARCH formula in the attached sample doc (for range F2:K7). I'm having a bit of trouble adding in some kind of match convention which will l... reevesgetsaround =SUMPRODUCT(($B$2:$B$9=F$1)*(ISNUMBER(SEARCH($D2,$A$2:$A...
The tutorial provides a number of "Excel if contains" formula examples that show how to return something in another column if a target cell contains a required value, how to search with partial match and test multiple criteria with OR as well as AND logic. One of the most common tasks in...
Search Power Fx Overview Operators Data types Tables Imperative logic Variables Error handling Global apps Untyped objects Working with JSON Formula reference Overview Canvas apps formula reference Cards formula reference Dataverse formula columns formula reference Dataverse functions formula reference Desktop ...
If the SEARCH function finds the text, it returns the position, if not, it returns #VALUE! error. For instance, here the formula SEARCH($E$3:$E$5,B4) will search each value of the range E3:E5 in cell B4, and returns the location of each text string in the cell B4. It will ...
Explanation of the Formula SEARCH(“history”,B4) returns an integer if it finds the text “history” (case-insensitive match) inside cell B4. Otherwise, returns a value error. Let the cell B4 doesn’t contain the text “history”. So, now the formula becomes IF(ISERROR(#VALUE!),FALSE,...
To check if a cell contains some texts in range A but does not contain the texts in range B, you can use an array formula which combines the COUNT, SEARCH and AND function in Excel Check if a cell contains one of several values but exclude other valuesThis tutorial will provide a ...
=IF(AND(ISNUMBER(SEARCH("word1", A1)), ISNUMBER(SEARCH("word2", A1))), "Match," "No Match") This formula checks if cell A1 contains both "word1" and "word2" and returns "Match" if true and "No Match" if false. Check out How to Use an IF Function with 3 Conditions. How ...