True and False Results: In this example if a range contains a specific value the VBA code will return a value of "In Range". If a range does not contain a specific value the VBA code will return a value of "Not in Range". Both of these values can be changed to whatever value you...
SubIf_Cell_Contains_Value()SetCell=Range("C12").Cells(1,1)IfCell.Value<>""ThenMsgBox"Jennifer Marlo appeared in Physics exam."EndIfEndSub Visual Basic Copy ⧭ Output: Run this code by clicking theRun Sub/UserFormbutton on the toolbar. It will display the message“Jennifer Marlo appeared ...
If Then VBA If Statements allow you to test if expressions are TRUE or FALSE, running different code based on the results. Let’s look at a simple example: IfRange("a2").Value>0ThenRange("b2").Value="Positive" This tests if the value in Range A2 is greater than 0. If so, setting...
This pattern represents a character range and matches any uppercase or lowercase letter from A to Z. CHECKLETTERSLIKE = True: If the “letter” variable contains any alphabet, the function’s value will be set to True. Then, the code will exit the function. Write the UDF function in the...
Python 编程中 if 语句用于控制程序的执行,基本形式为: if 判断条件: 执行语句…… else: ...
In this article, I will demonstrate four different formulas that allow you to lookup a value that is to be found in a given range and return the corresponding value on the same row. If you need to return multiple values because the ranges overlap then read this article: Return multiple ...
Value_if_false(optional) - the value to return when the logical test evaluates to FALSE, i.e. the condition is not met. If omitted, thevalue_if_trueargument must be set. Basic IF formula in Excel To create a simpleIf thenstatement in Excel, this is what you need to do: ...
IF(ISTEXT(cell),value_to_return, "") Supposing, you want to insert the word "yes" in column B if a cell in column A contains text. To have it done, put the following formula in B2: =IF(ISTEXT(A2), "Yes", "") If cell contains number, then ...
'If ... Then statement If Range("B3") > Range("D3") Then MsgBox "Value1 is larger than Value2" 'Stop macro End Sub Where to put the code? How to run a macro? Back top 1.2 If ... Then condition: equal to VBA code 'Name macro Sub Macro1() 'If ... Then statement If Ran...