Answer:You can create this formula using nested IF functions. We will assume that your number 'n' resides in cell B1. You can create your formula as follows: =IF(B1>1500000,B1*0.12, IF(B1>=975001,B1*0.1, IF(B1>=250001,B1*0.05, IF(B1>=125001,B1*0.02,0))) Since...
COUNTA function: returns the number of non-blank cells. COUNTA($E$3:$E$5) returns 3, so the result of SUMPRODUCT(--ISNUMBER(SEARCH($E$3:$E$5,B4))) is equal to 3, the whole formula will return TRUE, or return FALSE. Remarks: ...
Microsoft Excel has a special function to sum cells with multiple conditions - theSUMIFS function. This function is designed to work with AND logic - a cell is added only when all of the specified criteria are TRUE for that cell. In some situations, however, you may need to sum with mult...
Example in the picture to the right, search value is 1 in the and the LOOKUP function returns #N/A. To solve this problem simply add another number, for example 0. Cell range B3:B6 would then contain 0, 1.33, 1.67, 2. A search value greater than the largest value in the lookup ra...
Example in the picture to the right, search value is 1 in the and the LOOKUP function returns #N/A. To solve this problem simply add another number, for example 0. Cell range B3:B6 would then contain 0, 1.33, 1.67, 2. A search value greater than the largest value in the lookup ra...
In this tutorial, I will talk about the ways to quickly highlight the cells that contain values greater or less than a specified number in Excel.Highlight cells if value greater or less than a number with Conditional Formatting Highlight cells if value greater or less than a number with ...
Using IFERROR function in Excel to avoid problems Error messages are never fun. That’s why Excel has the IFERROR function. It allows you to catch error messages and replace them with a custom message or a value. Most importantly, the helpful IFERROR function ensures that your whole formula...
If the target number is inanother cell, say F1, concatenate the logical operator and cell reference: =SUMIF(C2:C10, ">"&F1, B2:B10) In a similar manner, you can sum values smaller than a given number. For this, use the less than (<) operator: ...
It is interesting to see how the COUNTIF works, isn’t it Count if between two numbers In the example above, we have seen people who are taller than 5 feet. And also those who are shorter than 5.5 feet. Let’s now try to count the number of people (from the same above dataset)...
Suppose you want to make sure a column only contains text and not numbers. You might also wish to locate all orders that are associated with a particular salesperson. There are a number of techniques to determine whether text is there in a cell if you don't care about capitalization or...