If April 2022 is null and. May 2022 is not null. In order to do so, I created the following calculated field in Tableau count(if isnull([may2022]) THEN [June2022] END ) Could someone help me with the equivalent in PowerBI? Thank you Miriam Solved! Go to Solution. Labels: Need ...
If you only want the value to show when SIZE()=3, then you must have NULL as a possible option. As currently written, if the SIZE() is not 3, Tableau will return [Profile Score]. The easiest solution is to place the SIZE condition in a separate clause...
Google Sheets ARRAYFORMULA和SUMIF组合 SUMIF表示倒数 Tableau SUMIF语句 SUMIF、Group by、Aggregate by Sumif公式为不同大小的Sumif提供数组参数 Google电子表格sumif添加,条件与字符串比较 mysql使用sumif求和 Excel嵌套IF with SUMIF语句 添加多个SUMIF SUMIF和VLOOKUP组合 Excel VBA Sumif函数 加速Apache POI ...
How do I connect latitude and longitude columns to a map visualization if the calculated latitude and longitude measure is null? Hi, Currently I have a map visualization that pulls information from a sharepoint list. Tableau generates ...
http://support.microsoft.com/contactus/?ws=supportRemarque Le formulaire « Téléchargement de correctif logiciel disponible » affiche les langues pour lesquelles le correctif est disponible. Si vous ne voyez pas votre langue, c'est...