To conclude,how do I reset my WhatsApp browseris a question we get a lot. You just have to log out of the web browser and log back in. Note that while we have not followed a strict order with these solutions, we always advise that you start with more straightforward fixes before tryi...
Check if mobile browser, based on useragent string. Example varmobile=require('is-mobile');console.log(mobile());// => false API mobile({ [ua], [tablet], [featureDetect] }) Returns true if a mobile browser is being used. If you don't specifyopts.uait will usenavigator.userAgent. ...
First,identify your actual IP address. Make sure your VPN is turned off. Your VPN may display your IP address, or you can search “what is my IP address” and find a number of sites that will quickly show you. If you Google “what is my IP,” you’ll see your IP address in eith...
I could not get Puppeteer Browser to close even after trying to close its pages first. The only thing I got to work was to kill the child process: Im using it instead. In my case when the browser.close()` it's called take more than 1 minute in finish. ...
How to programatically find if my browser supports HTML5 blend modes ( ? My code structure is as below var canvas = document.getElementById("Canvas"); var context = canvas.getContext("2d"); context.fillStyle = "#fff"; c...
Is there a reliable cross-browser way to detect that a tab has focus. The scenario is that we have an application that polls regularly for stock prices, and if the page doesn't have focus we could stop the polling and save everyone the traffic noise, especially as people are fans of op...
I've got two beginning options If cell J3 is "B" then this formula applies to cell M3> =IF(M3="t",I3-F3,IF(M3="s1",G3-F3,H3-F3)) and if the cell J3 is "S"...
{"fast":"150ms","normal":"250ms","slow":"500ms","slowest":"750ms","function":"cubic-bezier(0.07, 0.91, 0.51, 1)","__typename":"AnimationThemeSettings"},"avatar":{"borderRadius":"50%","collections":["default"],"__typename":"AvatarThemeSettings"},"basics":{"browserIcon":{"...
Do you think your browser is slow and sluggish? You've come to the right place. I will show you how you can make your browser run nimbly and fast. I am very active online. Very often, I come across all sorts of articles and forum threads where users complain about their browser being...
"If I close the browser or lock my phone, how do I get back to the page I was on?: Is there any way to get back to the qr code browser (using the shortcut in control center, if that makes a difference) if it has closed or find that page in my browsing history?" --- Getti...