“So even a faint line after a really dark line means you are likely much less contagious, and no line means you are likely very low risk of being infectious," Mina says. But at the beginning of an COVID illness, an at-home antigen may come back negative, even though you may become...
they remain subjective. False insights are possible and can be elicited in the lab as well. We all, scientists included, know those instances of an "aha" experience that later turned out to be wrong. These may be rare, precisely because it is pretty hard to backtrack once you've ha...
Using what you know about enzymes, explain why an individual who enters the emergency room with a high fever might be given an ice bath to lower his or her temperature. What causes dengue fever? What is Lassa fever? Describe three of its characteristics. Fever is ...
What cells are infected by HIV? DPT vaccinations protect against which type of infections? a. Bacterial b. Viral c. Parasites d. Malaria a) What groups are at high risk of AIDS infection, and how do they become infected w...
The European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) has updated its advice after the World Health Organization (WHO) declared a global emergency following the detection of a more contagious strain of the virus in 16 African countries. ...
It gets its name from the thick crusts of skin that form from large numbers of scabies mites and eggs. Scabies can live on the human body for 1 to 2 months. They can live in bedding or furniture for 2-3 days. How Do You Get Them? Scabies is very contagious. It is spread from ...
The coronavirus latches its spiky surface proteins to receptors on healthy cells, especially those in your lungs. Specifically, the viral proteins bust into cells through ACE2 receptors. Once inside, the coronavirus hijacks healthy cells and takes command. Eventually, it kills some of the healthy...
Harrisburg is again getting hit really hard with viral spread, being at the top in wasteewater right now out of HHS Region 3. Please stay safe and wear a quality well-fitting respirator in crowded areas or places with suboptimal ventilation!
Saline may also inflate its impact by breaking down dead RNA that was detectable via PCR but never dangerous. The short-term effect of different chlorhexidine forms versus povidone iodine mouth rinse in minimizing the oral SARS-CoV-2 viral load: An open label randomized controlled clinical trial...
1.“The vaccine is the only way. Everyone must get there.”Fact: It doesn’t matter if youAREorARE NOT. The viral load carried is the same. This is why half the people getting sick or more are vaccinated. Yes, HALF. They give AND get just the same. This is why the CDC brought...