```tcl set filename "test.txt" if {[file exists $filename]} { puts "文件存在" } else { puts "文件不存在" } ``` 6. 判断一个变量是否已经定义: ```tcl if {[info exists var]} { puts "变量已定义" } else { puts "变量未定义" } ``` 7. 判断一个列表是否为空: ```tcl set...
} on return {val options} { if {[dict exists $options from-if+]} { return $val } else { dict incr options -level return -options $options $val } } } 难道不可能像这样堆叠“try…on”语句吗?不幸的是,tcl文档对我来说有点不清楚。 这个版本还添加了if的行为,即命令的返回值是执行的主体...
#一、创建表时设置标识列 DROP TABLE IF EXISTS tab_identity; CREATE TABLE tab_identity( id INT PRIMARY KEY AUTO_INCREMENT, NAME FLOAT, seat INT ); TRUNCATE TABLE tab_identity; INSERT INTO tab_identity(id,NAME) VALUES(NULL,'john'); INSERT INTO tab_identity(NAME) VALUES('lucy'); SELECT *...
if { [info exists CHIPNAME] } { set _CHIPNAME $CHIPNAME } else { set _CHIPNAME mimxrt1011 } source [find target/swj-dp.tcl] # use on-board SWD header transport select swd if { [info exists CPU_SWD_TAPID] } { set _CPU_SWD_TAPID $CPU_SWD_TAPID } el...
library(rgee)ee_path<-path.expand("~/.config/earthengine/credentials") file.exists(ee_path) You can run a simple EE command from R: library(rgee)#Initialize the Earth Engine module.ee_Initialize()#Print metadata for a DEM dataset.print(ee$Image('USGS/SRTMGL1_003')$getInfo()) ...
However, it is not found due to a subtle bug in the pyinstaller's library loading, which prevents a system library from being loaded if a directory with a same name exists in the program's directory (and Foundation directory ends up created due to one of pyautoGUI's dependencies, probably...
(aka NextGen TV)becomes mainstream in the U.S., it’s unlikely you’ll have much opportunity to view HLG content even if your TV supports it. The BBC uses it, and some HLG content exists on YouTube. DirecTV uses HLG on its 4K channels, but even there, it’s the exception rather ...
1 time — 0.000012 sec(very fast)| 50000 times — 0.04 sec(speed of light)|PHP 7.0.8, WP 4.6.1 Hooks from the function wp_is_mobile Return true|false. Usage Examples 0 #1A more complete check Code fromhttp://detectmobilebrowsers.com/ ...
; if (!jsc_object) { + scope.assertNoException(); return napi_object_expected; } // NapiPrototype has an inline field to store a napi_ref, so we use that if we can auto* napi_instance = jsDynamicCast(jsc_object); - // TODO: is it worth avoiding this if napi_instance exists?
According to your vimrc you are using clang executable (as you didn't set g:clang_library_path or g:clang_use_library and default value for g:clang_use_library is has('python') && exists('g:clang_library_path')). Try to use libclang. P.S. try to run gvim (or vim) from a ...