set SASHELP.workers(firstobs=10 obs=15); if ELECTRIC > 260; run; proc print data = tmp; title 'IF Statement'; run; 运行结果(4条记录): 代码2: data tmp; set SASHELP.workers(firstobs=10 obs=15); where ELECTRIC > 260; run; proc print data = tmp; title 'WHERE Statement'; run; ...
1.1:The WHERE statement examines what is in the input page buffer and selects observations before they are loaded in the program data vector, which results in a savings in CPU operations(Where从buffer中进行筛选再读入pdv) The subsetting IF statement loads all observations sequentially into the pro...
sas条件判断语句where,if的区别,以及where选项 1:where和If最本质的区别,以及⼀些⼩的区别 1.1:The WHERE statement examines what is in the input page buffer and selects observations before they are loaded in the program data vector, which results in a savings in CPU operations(Where从buffer...
This can also be done using the IF-THEN DELETE statement. 2. IF-THEN DELETE IF Data readin; Input ID Q1-Q3; cards; 85 1 2 3 90 3 4 6 95 5 5 6 100 6 6 4 105 5 5 6 110 6 6 5 ; Data readin1; Set readin; IF ID GT 100 THEN DELETE; run; ...
I want to use character variable for if statement comparison, however why SAS always trying to treat it as numeric? let VAR = "apple" other code... %macro Exec_day1(); If &VAR. eq "apple" %then %do; %include "/"; %end; %mend; %Exec_day1(); ERROR: A character op...
Re: If statement - SAS practice exam Posted 05-26-2021 04:04 AM (2238 views) | In reply to jimbarbour Thank you very much. Left intending the datalines did the trick. I am running the code in SAS OnDemand. Has this always been the case? I was under the impression that SAS st...
setSASHELP.workers(firstobs=10obs=15); whereELECTRIC>260; run; procprintdata= tmp; title'WHEREStatement'; run; 运行结果(6条记录): 上述两种方法为什么输出结果不一样?请注意IF语句和WHERE语句的区别: (1)IF语句是面向“程序数据向量”(ProgramDataVector)的,对当前PDV中的数据进行判断,满足条件时将其写入...
在DATA STEP 使用:构造子集 IF 语句.(subsetting IF statement) 语法: IF expression; 例: IF Sex = ' f ' ; IF expression; 这样的看起来有点怪,但是正确的. 表明:当expression 是TRUE时, SAS继续执行 DATA step。 如果expression 是 FALSE, 对当前observation不继续执行下面的语句,且,该observation不加入...
else执行语句; SAS中常见的比较、逻辑算符(也见系列02): 符号含义示例 =或eq等于name='Jones,C.'; ^=或ne不等于temp^=212; >或gt大于income>0; <或lt小于partno<"BG05"; >=或ge大于等于id>='1543'; 资料内容仅供您学习参考,如有不当或者侵权,请联系改正或者删除。
select 里包含 if statement if语句和where语句是SAS中最常用的逻辑判断语句,主要用于数据筛选和条件赋值。当进行多分支的条件判断时,可以使用if...else语句来实现。如下: if .<AGE<18 then AGEGR1N=1; else if 18<=AGE<=40 then AGEGR1N=2; else if 41<=AGE<=64 then AGEGR1N=3;...