(一)、in 主查询 where 条件 in(列子查询); (二)、any 任意一个 =any(列子查询):条件在查询结果中有任意一个匹配即可,等价于in。 <>any(列子查询):条件在查询结果中不等于任意一个 1 = any(1,2,3)===true 1 <> any(1,2,3)===true (三)、some 与any完全一样;在国外some与any的正面含义...
您好!您提到的 "IF" 语句是 SQL Server 中的一个条件语句,用于在 SQL 查询中根据特定条件执行不同的操作。以下是关于 SQL Server 中的 "IF" 语句的详细信息: IF 语句的基本语法: 代码语言:sql 复制 IFconditionBEGIN-- 当条件为真时执行的代码块ENDELSEIFconditionBEGIN-- 当条件为假时执行的代码块ENDELSE...
SQL IF 1 = 2 PRINT 'Boolean expression is true.' ELSE PRINT 'Boolean expression is false.'; GO B. Use a query as part of a Boolean expression The following example executes a query as part of the Boolean expression. Because there are 10 bikes in theProducttable that meet the condition...
><JMeterPlanversion="1.2"><TestPlan><stringPropname="TestPlan.name">SQL Query Test</stringProp><hashTree><ThreadGroup><stringPropname="ThreadGroup.name">Thread Group</stringProp><hashTree><JdbcRequest><stringPropname="JDBCRequest.name">Execute Query</stringProp><stringPropname="JDBCRequest....
本文探讨了SQL Server中有用的函数SQL IF语句。 介绍(Introduction) In real life, we make decisions based on the conditions. For example, look at the following conditions. 在现实生活中,我们根据条件做出决定。 例如,查看以下情况。 If I get a performance bonus this year, I will go for international...
You can't use IF within a select query. Open up the SQL Books Online (press F1 while in Query Analyser) and look up CASE Gail Shaw Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server, MVP, M.Sc (Comp Sci) SQL In The Wild: Discussions on DB performance with occasional diversions into recoverability ...
SQL IF 1 = 2 PRINT 'Boolean expression is true.' ELSE PRINT 'Boolean expression is false.'; GO B. Use a query as part of a Boolean expression The following example executes a query as part of the Boolean expression. Because there are 10 bikes in theProducttable that meet the condition...
SQL片段 我们可以把一些功能抽取出来,方便复用 sql:抽取代码片段 include: 引用sql抽取的代码片段 <sqlid="if-title-author"><iftest="title != null">title = #{title}</if><iftest="author != null">and author = #{author}</if></sql>select * from blog<where><includerefid="if-title-author...