if [ condition ]; then if [ nested_condition ]; then nested if block fi fi Syntax:case $variable in pattern1)execute for pattern1 match ;;pattern2)execute for pattern2 match ;;)execute for no match esac 通过这些 if 语句,你可以根据特定条件在 Bash 脚本中实现复杂的逻辑操作。
但带有多个 elif。bash 脚本中的 Case 语句展开表达式,然后尝试找到与所有模式的匹配。当找到匹配时,将...
General Syntax of Bash IF ELIF ELSE Below is the general syntax ofIFELIFandELSEin bash: ifCONDITION-TO-TEST;then CODE-TO-EXECUTE-1 elifNEXT-CONDITION-TO-TEST;then CODE-TO-EXECUTE-2 elifNEXT-CONDITION-TO-TEST;then CODE-TO-EXECUTE-2 ...
The syntax of the "if" statement in Bash is as follows: if[condition]then# code to be executed if condition is trueelse# code to be executed if condition is falsefi Negating the "if" condition To negate the "if" condition, the logical operator!(NOT) is used. It reverses the logical...
Bash supports if-else statements so that you can use logical reasoning in your shell scripts. The generic if-else syntax is like this: if [ expression ]; then ## execute this block if condition is true else go to next elif [ expression ]; then ## execute this block if condition is ...
4. Bash If..then..else..if..then..fi..fi.. If [ conditional expression1 ] then statement1 statement2 . else if [ conditional expression2 ] then statement3 . fi fi If statement and else statement could be nested in bash. The keyword “fi” indicates the end of the inner if stateme...
Conditions in bash scripting (if statements) - Linux Academy Blog https://linuxacademy.com/blog/linux/conditions-in-bash-scripting-if-statements/ Table of conditions The following table list the condition possibilities for both the single- and the double-bracket syntax. Save a single exception, th...
syntax error near unexpected token fi 等都是这样引起的. 5 if 后面一定要跟上 then. 同理 elif 后面一定要跟上 then. 不然提示出错信息: syntax error near unexpected token else top BASH IF http://lhsblog01.blog.163.com/blog/static/10200451920081118105937818/ ...
Checking the exit status using an ‘if’ statement in Bash Using a “if” statement and the “$?” variable, we can determine whether a command or script has executed successfully. Which holds the exit status of the most recent command executed, the syntax of the “if” statement for dete...
#!/bin/bashcase$1in"hello")echo"Hello, I am fine,thank you!";;"")echo"你必须要输入一个...