watery eyes, and trouble breathing. This would happen whether or not I was aware there was a cat in the house. When I would ask, the host would say, “Oh yes, we have a cat. We put her in the other room when people
Between January 2003 and June 2004, more than 100 people died from the clostridium difficile...By EnglerYves
Again, It was a total surprise what came up, I had no idea what I planted. And then we had a late frost and I had to cover things up, and still lost both my basil plants, which I obviously planted too early. I don’t learn. I grew the onions from the spring onions I bought ...
Get another generic antibiotic if your doctor will give it to you.I got two prescriptions of the Z-Pack before going on our RTW, an antibiotic that fights things like strep throat and other similar viruses. It’s only 7 pills, too, so it doesn’t take up too much ...
6. Proper Hygiene– It goes without saying that proper hygiene (washing hands after coughing or sneezing, or if you are sick) is important for making sure we avoid germs and bad bacteria. But here is something you may NOT know: don’t clean too much! There is a balance…and you know...
“What we know is that it causes pneumonia (肺炎) and then doesn’t respond to antibiotic (抗生素) treatment, which is not surprising, but then in terms of death rate, SARS kills 10% of the individuals,” Poon, a virologist at the School of Public Health at The University of Hong Kon...
I’m looking forward to getting my insurance issues settled out so I can take care of that, but in the meantime I’m using some antibiotics that my oldest daughter had been prescribed last year (the doc switched her to a different antibiotic after a day, so it’s a full bottle). Lowe...
hello! my dog is constantly panting as if she's hot all the time. and when we start playing or running, her slobber turns bubbly and turns slightly white, is she sick? should i take her to the vet? 1QuoteReply DogHealth.comMonday, 18 September 2017 ...
6. Proper Hygiene– It goes without saying that proper hygiene (washing hands after coughing or sneezing, or if you are sick) is important for making sure we avoid germs and bad bacteria. But here is something you may NOT know: don’t clean too much! There is a balance…and you know...
I have gone 4 years without getting a cold or the flu. I do not get flu shots, they’re poison, and I’ve never had a COVID shot. I’ve not been sick once. But I was getting a cold and was not happy. I know being around all those people in the nasty germ-filled Y is ...