I feel as if I’m losing all my leaves——电影《困在时间里的父亲》每一个老年痴呆患者的记忆,就如同秋日的落叶,随着时间的风不断凋零,最终只留下苍老的躯干,等待他们的,将是漫长且混沌的人生。你知道吗?世界上每隔3秒钟,就会新增一名老年痴呆患者。遗憾的是,很多人都以为“遗忘”是老去必然会经历的事,...
I feel as if I’m losing all my leaves——电影《困在时间里的父亲》每一个老年痴呆患者的记忆,就如同秋日的落叶,随着时间的风不断凋零,最终只留下苍老的躯干,等待他们的,将是漫长且混沌的人生。你知道吗?世界上每隔3秒钟,就会新增一名老年痴呆患者。遗憾的是,很多人都以为“遗忘”是老去必然会经历的事,...
Are losing theirs and blaming it on you; If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you, But make allowance for their doubting too;If you can wait and not be tired by waiting, Or, being lied about, don't deal in lies, Or, being hated, don't give way to hating, And yet don...
We all get lost, we all get tired, ah..我们都会迷茫,我们都会疲惫, Losing our faith in love, we tried,我们尝试过,却又失去对爱的信心, Know that things ain’t set in stone,可你知道事情并非总是如此, Know that I’m here to work out that miracle, and just for you and I.可你知道我...
"I feel as if i'm losing all my leaves" 直击内心了,霍普金斯老爷子演技也是一流!
If I'm Losing You (Extended Version) - MD Dj/Lara Green Lyrics by:Alexandra Dimitriu Composed by:Alexandra Dimitriu All this time I knew what we'd be facing Cause I'm the one who knows what's in your mind But the gravity's too strong to make me patient And you're hard ...
I'm losing all my worries This sky is in the hurries Yep so it's back to basics the morning comes And I'm back to chasing The same old thing with the same old basis But there's not one thing I would change man Running and running ...
I wanna give my love to you with no restrictions我想把我的爱毫无保留献给你 It be so bittersweet to love爱是如此苦乐参半 How do you know when to open up你怎么知道何时敞开心扉 That shit confusing令人困惑 And then I get scared of losing it all我又是如此害怕失去这一切 Constantly wanna call...
“I wish my eyebrows sterych out,I wish you good winter.”祝眉目舒展 顺问冬安. “Probably growing up and losing my formerself.”大概在成长 也在丢失从前的自己. “The best state of self-discipline is loneliness.”自律的最好状态就是享受孤独. “If you want will last forener.”你要是愿意...
If you can keep your head when all about you Are losing theirs and blamingit on you; If you can trust yourself when allmen doubt you, But make allowance for theirdoubting too; If you can wait and not be tiredby waiting, Or, being lied about, don't deal inlies, Or, being hated,...