copper (35%), silicon (45%), nickel (100%), and cobalt (330%), all essential to Europe’s plans for producing the electric vehicles and batteries, renewable wind, solar and hydrogen energy technologies, and the grid infrastructure needed to...
gmraiencehda(nNicGa)lstpruroctpuerret—iessho(pwasrgtirceuatlarly the /pagssimutnlorrscaotpehentwrnonooagtt-vsmihstaithdnlre[,gui1idsanc1ltiotcha,tu1ccehtrao2eeemtr]sip.fidoeprencionolhsdst,gasevnoetiaisnfoccsbaataalihndoplecamsrirooHegespred,apesilfrtclrtti-aiaionPeccnsektei,it(o[ncpt...
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