I met a Tyler by the name of Jack Glick during a tour of the oldest Masonic lodge in the state of California. Jack was a tall thin man, grey haired with a big smile. He was over seventy years of age, and proud of the fact that he still stood erect and that he maintained...
I recently needed to plot some polar data for a project at work, and the data happened to be 3-dimensional. In addition to the standard rotation and radius, it had a third dimension that corresponded to a strength metric. Unfortunately, Mathematica (my tool of choice for data manipulation ...
Ideally both ie 400 f4.5S and 800 f6.3S PF. To add... Thus I have a heavier, 3 camera system with several lenses; and much lighter 'Commando Kit' . The latter is a Z9, 2-3 lenses for wildlife, with 3rd for landscapes/macro 6) more important - Z systemqualityor lower price po...
How much happier will I be if I buy a new R-series lens? Mar 24, 2021 My primary kit includes an R5 with an EF 500 F4 II and a 1.4X TC. I've been feeling like my focus isn't "tack sharp" and have had a hard time figuring this out. I realize that shooting under conditi...
Because I was late, I also lost the spot I had on stage, one I personally requested and squeezed from the principal to make something worthwhile out of being #3. The graduation could not have been more of a drag. The only family spectator was my father; my mother and sister did not ...
I did a little word smithing & offered a few suggestions while Silvia is doing all the work!). Despite being obviously invested in this category, I found it surprisingly difficult to select a specific book for it: one choice was too long; another too emotionally demanding for my currently ...
“Theresa and I have had a number of heart-to-heart conversations and we've looked closely at our situation, our living situation, so forth," Gerry said during a joint appearance onGood Morning Americawith Theresa April 2024. “We've come to the conclusion mutually that it's probably t...
Huge lens hood (no choice for such a wide angle). Slow focusing in very low light (with K10D and K5 as well). Fousing ring to small and loos. Expensive filters due to front lens diameter. A bit bulky due to it's diameter and lens hood side. I wish it had a larger aperture, ...
Many a suicide that hung dubiously in the balances had been ratified, and carried into sum- mary effect, through the forlorn, soul-revolting aspect of a crazy, dilapidated home. Often- times, without extravagance, the whole difference between a mind that spurns life and the same mind ...
I had a favicon pretty early on, and I think it really makes a difference, and appreciate you emphasizing this. Appreciated your mention of wanting to look professional too, and Sue’s the one to pick for that, awesome! She always looks so professional, which is not easy. I think the ...