1.IfIhadaboat,Iwouldgooutontheocean.2.IfIhadonlyknownI'dneverhearyourvoiceagain,Iwouldhavememorizedeachthingyoueversaid.3.IfIwereaboy,IthinkIcouldunderstandhowitfeelstoloveagirl.Compareandfindthedifference.IfIhavetimetomorrow,Iwillgowithyou.afactIfIwereabird,Iwouldflyhightotouchthecloud.awish IfI...
"(If I Could Save) Time in a Bottle": In this song written by Jim Croce, the singer wishes he had more time to spend with his girlfriend. If it were possible, he would save time the way people save money. He would save the days in a bottle and then spend all the time with ...
In the meantime I'll give some adviceWhile these blood diamonds gettin' cleaned offN***a *** the price spend it then then again I can't save n***asI'm not Superman but I could tryI'm sorry I'm pretentiousSorry that the talent knowledge passion isn't missin'Sorry when I talk ...
it serves as the perfect “energy” to establish the tone of such a raucous live album. Demanding, “Attention! I need attention” (in a manner that reminds one of Madonna screaming,
later we would still be having the same conversations. We did not know that you could start a fight in 1987 and still, in 2023 if someone said just the right word, it wouldn’t really be over. We did not know that we too would age in a way that didn’t feel quite real and ...
I needed to devote more income to paying off my debt and building the emergency fund and getting rid of this all, all together. So while I think this could be a bandaid, I don’t know that it’s gonna solve America’s credit problems....
the of and to a in that is was he for it with as his on be at by i this had not are but from or have an they which one you were all her she there would their we him been has when who will no more if out so up said what its about than into them can only other time new...
我托人间寄讯,邀雪称庆,为你送来清佳冬令I entrusted the world to send a message, invited snow to celebrate, and brought you Qingjia winter 7.既然你冬至还没来,那我们就春天见Since you haven't come to the winter solstice, I'll see you in the spring 8.谁把夜拉长,提醒你,留住最好的时光...
13.A set of gorgeoustortoise shell wine glassesfor a warm, inviting, but delightfully bold statement in your kitchen. Amazon Promising review: "If you’re looking for a beautiful wine glass that’s heavier than the normal this is for you. I love the weight and the look. I’m throwing ...
"I want the war to stop. I want to save lives," Trump said. Instead, he vowed, as he has before, to solve the war before taking office by negotiating with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy and Russian President Vladimir Putin. Asked again whether it was in ...