At last one of the twins said: "I'll be damned if he ain't a regular Morris Finestein." Everyone nodded and agreed, for that is an expression having a certain special meaning. But the hunchback cried louder because he could not know what they were talking about. Morris Finestein was ...
14. As I see it … 在我看来….15. My point of view is that … 我的观点是….16. In my view … 在我看来….17. It seems to me that … 这对我意味着….18. I figure that … 我想指出…..19. I’m of the opinion that … 我的观点是….20. To be honest … 说实话…21. Well...
I ___ smile but only with one side of my face! I went to the___ and was diagnosed(诊断) with Bell's Palsy—a disease of the muscles on one side of the face. As you could ___, this was quite a shock to me,and made me very ___.Although this was a major bomb that was ...
题号:1 “I would like to have a look at your cameras before I decide on one .”“We have several models___ .”[选a,不定式做后置定语.choose from several models(从几种样式中做出选择),from不能省略.]a、for you to choose from b、for your choicec、for the choice of yours d、for ...
we're not gonna like what we find."全文是:Susan: "It doesn't matter. She was his wife. He deserves to have all the facts." Bree: "Well, we could do it gently. We could tell him about it over coffee and pastry." Lynette: "That'll be fun. 'Paul, we have proof your wife ki...
典型例句:2.I think that he his sleepy.(我想他困了。)(that是从属连词)1.并列连词 1.and:和,而且 I like basketball,football and table tennis.(我喜欢篮球、足球和乒乓球。)Brother and I went to the bookstore yesterday.(我和哥哥昨天去了书店。)(1)and的基本用法 and意为“和”“而且...
I would like to propose that for sixty to ninety minutes each evening,right after the early evening news,all television broadcasting in the United States be prohibited by law.Let us take a serious,reasonable look at what the results might be if such
根据第一段中的“Like most of us, I try to be mindful of food that goes to waste.”像我们大多数人一样,我努力关注那些被浪费的食物;以及“But as days passed, the arugula went bad. Even worse, I had unthinkingly bought way too much; could have made six salads with what I threw out....
Tears filled my eyes.Refusal(拒绝) and failure didn't seem like such a big problem any more.Even if I(23)___sold the first book,I had everything I could ever need.I knew that pen would bring me luck,though.And I felt(24)___already,just by having Cody in my life,especially ...
Try to imagine for example what films or TV plays would be like without music. Would the feelings the moving plot and the greatest interests be so exciting or dramatic? I'm not sure about it. Now we have been speaking of music in its more common meaning-the kind of music we hear in...