They wrenched loose the bowels very well, but they could not be given to small children, as they caused bad convulsions; for them she had an entirely separate draught, gentler and sweet-flavored. Yes, all in all, she was considered a good doctor. Her hands, though very large and bony,...
If you had suggested to him that he could not legally defend his home and family with a gun he would have suggested to you that you should try to harm his family or take his gun. Without this right there would be no United States today. I can just imagine some government agent trying...
We loved them both but the grits were very, very rich. Our favorite was the dessert - their hot buttered pecan pie was incredible. We had a very subpar pecan pie at Commander's Palace two nights before and Mr. B's pecan pie blew it away. Our only issue was that our ending...
Jin-ho says he could be interested in them the way an uncle likes his niece but the attorney defensively states that it’s impossible for platonic friendships to form between men and women. He knows he’s trash when it comes to women, but he claims to be a sexy piece of trash, lol....
humanity seems to be more than a little upset with him. They seize him roughly, shave his head and pin him down inside his own little box. He struggles, he fights… but he is but one and they are many. As the electrodes bite into his skull, he grits his teeth and steels his mind...
Janson knows money doesn't buy happiness — but he also knows it could buy him some things that would make himveryhappy. He could buy a boat and a truck, which are simple enough to understand, but what's a "Yeti 110 iced down with some silver bullets"?
3:0225. Hominy Grits2:4026. Vieni Su (Say You Love Me Too)2:3327. Happy Feet3:0228. Georgia on My Mind2:5829. Chee Chee-Oo-Chee (Sang the Little Bird)3:0230. Money Burns a Hole in My Pocket2:5531. The Naughty Lady of Shady Lane2:3032. Dreamy Old New England Moon2:3833. ...
The detectives return, and Se-jin grits out answers to Yeo-joo’s questions about the blood. They’ve matched it to Soo-jung’s blood type, but they’re waiting on DNA results. Yeo-joo asks after Manager Kim – he should be a suspect. ...