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=VLOOKUP(G8,B8:D16,IF(G7="Walmart", 2, 3),FALSE) Example 4 – Comparing the VLOOKUP Output with Another Cell Value in Excel The dataset contains some products and their corresponding sales. We’ll fetch the maximum sales by using the MAX function formula: =MAX(C7:C15) We’ll determ...
Method 1 – Use VLOOKUP Function When you are using continuous ranges of numbers, you can usethe VLOOKUP functioninstead of the nested IF function. You need to have a reference table and create the formula with the approximate match. In our case, the Commission table is our reference table....
VLOOKUP Error with IF function Hi! I'm having an issue with the file I'm working on - basically how the file works is that you paste a raw data dump from a database and since it has various amounts of random spaces in the cell va...Show...
超VLookup:多重標準|多重價值|跨多頁|模糊查詢... 副詞。 下拉清單:簡易下拉列表|依賴下拉列表|多選下拉列表... 欄目經理:新增特定數量的列|移動列|切換隱藏列的可見性狀態|將列與選擇相同和不同的單元格... 特色功能:網格焦點|設計圖|大方程式酒吧|工作簿和工作表管理器|會員專區(自動文字)|日期選擇器|合併...
Remember,the correct way to reference Text strings is to always enclose them within the double quotation mark. If you don’t, you’ll face the #NAME? error. NOTE:In the IFERROR function, your value_if_error can also be a number. For Instance, you can substitute the VLOOKUP error with...
And if you have kids, why not let them build the Excel spreadsheet and give them a bonus for using the function. Related Excel Resource Excel Practice File Hand-picked Excel Tutorials How to Use Excel VLOOKUP Beginner’s Guide to XLOOKUP How to Create an Excel Pivot Table The Benefits ...
They are nested IF statements that can be difficult to read and write, especially if there are many levels of nested statements. A lookup table or another function, such as VLOOKUP or INDEX & MATCH, might be better. Conditional Range Excel ...