=IF(ISNA(VLOOKUP(A2,Sheet1!A:F,6,FALSE)),”NotFound”,VLOOKUP(Sheet2!A2,Sheet1!A:F,6,FALSE)) Explanation: Vlookupfunction in excel looks for the 6th column of the SHEET 1 matching REC_ID in SHEET 1 from SHEET 2. ISNAfunction in excel looks for the #NA error and passes it on ...
When working with numerical values, you may want to return a zero when the lookup value is not found. To have it done, use the IF ISNA VLOOKUP formula discussed above with a little modification: instead of a text message, supply 0 in thevalue_if_trueargument of the IF function: IF(ISN...
There is now anIFS functionthat can replace multiple, nested IF statements with a single function. So instead of our initial grades example, which has 4 nested IF functions: =IF(D2>89,"A",IF(D2>79,"B",IF(D2>69,"C",IF(D2>59,"D","F"))) It can be made much ...
What Is the Excel VLOOKUP Function? The VLOOKUP functionlooks for a specified value in the leftmost column of a given table and returns the value in the same row from the specified column relative to the start of the lookup table. The following overview image shows the use of the function ...
The syntax of the Nested IF Then statements is as follows: =IF(condition_1,value_if_true_1,IF(condition_2,value_if_true_2,value_if_false_2)) 'condition_1' –Refers to the first logical test or conditional expression that needs to be evaluated by the outer IF function.'value_if_true...
To test multiple conditions and return different values based on the results of those tests, you can use theCHOOSE function instead of nested IFs. Build a reference table and a use VLOOKUP with approximate match as shown in this example:VLOOKUP instead of nested IF in Excel. ...
Key words:Excel;IF function;vlookup function;nested; wages management 1 引言 Excel 是当前最为流行的电子表格软件,因其提供了丰富的公式和 函数库,所以我们经常使用 Excel 对各种数据进行处理、统计、分析和 辅助决策等操作。同时因 Excel 软件易学易用,功能较为完备,所以广 泛地应用于管理、统计财经、金融等...
Using the “VLOOKUP” Function If the above “Nested IF” and “IFS” function is difficult for you to understand, the VLOOKUP function in Excel is simple to understand and apply. Let’s calculate the letter grade with the “VLOOKUP” function. ...
=IFERROR(VLOOKUP(I2,A2:F5,3,0),"") Return Value From Different Lookup Table One of the drawbacks of the VLOOKUP function is it can take only one lookup value and table array at once. But, with the nested formula of IFERROR and VLOOKUP, you can overcome this limitation. It’s kind...
https://exceljet.net/excel-functions/excel-vlookup-function If that isn't sufficient (or doesn't seem to fit) let me invite you to come back and, in the absence of the actual worksheet, describe more fully what is going on, what value(s) are associated with different locations, etc. ...