我的Excel VBA宏如下所示: Declare PtrSafe Function TestFunction1 Lib "mylib.dll" (ByVal k As Double) As Double Public Function TestDll(k As Double) As Double Debug.Print ("Start") Dim r As Double r = TestFunction1(k) Debug.Print ("Got result 浏览24提问于2016-09-05得票数 5 回答...
I have this IF-function i would like to create in VBA and paste into a cell of an excel sheet: =IF(C7="Innkommende";S7+T8;0)I have this little test procedure:Private Sub CommandButton1_Click() MsgBox ("=IF(C7=" & """ & "Innkommende" & """ & ";S7+T8;0)") Cells(4,...
vba function if then 返回多个值 vba 函数返回 大家好,我们今日继续讲解VBA代码解决方案的第54讲内容:VBA代码中,字符串函数的利用, 一:Len函数:功能是返回文本串的字符数 语法如下:Len(string | varname) 参数: a)string为任何有效的字符串表达式。 b)varname为任何有效的变量名称。 两个可能的参数必须有一个...
我尝试设置自定义vba函数,但我无法将vba数组正确返回到excel公式。 有人能帮上忙吗? ? 我在VBA中尝试的内容: Function Matrix(vector) Dim arr As Variant arr = Array(Split(vector, ";")) Matrix = arr End Function 在上面的公式中,我将A1替换为矩阵(A1)。 浏览40提问于2020-01-10得票数...
Now, look at the syntax of the "VBA NOT" function. NOT(Logical Test) It is very simple. First, we need to provide a logical test. Then, the NOT function evaluates the test and returns the result. Examples of NOT & IF Function in VBA? Below are the examples of using the IF and ...
⚫ if语句是VBA经常用到的判断结构。其有三种形式。 ▶iif函数,和工作表的if函数一样。下面是一个简单的自定义函数。如果a的值大于0,则ta=999,否则ta=666。 Functionta(a AsInteger) AsIntegerta = IIf(a >0,999,666) EndFunction ▶单行的if语句。将上面的例子改为单行的if语句如下。
vba function 返回多个值 if then vba函数返回多个变量 一、 vba两个integer变量相乘可能会出现溢出,无论储存结果的变量数据类型是多大 例如: Dim a As Long a =30000 * 2(这里会发生溢出错误) 处理办法是在30000后面加&符号,将其声明为long类型 a = 30000**&** * 2...
加上大括号 If W = "实际恢复时间" Then { L10 = Len(G10)GG10 = Mid(G10, 8, L10 - 8)S10 = Split(GG10, "0.")Getcontent10 = S10(0)} else后面也是一样的
false,"board":{"__ref":"Forum:board:ExcelGeneral"},"parent":{"__ref":"ForumTopicMessage:message:3623165"},"conversation":{"__ref":"Conversation:conversation:3623165"},"subject":"Re: MS Excel IF formula in VBA","moderationData":{"__ref":"ModerationData:moderation_data:3623188"},"body...
Function Bonus(performance, salary) If performance = 1 Then Bonus = salary * 0.1 ElseIf performance = 2 Then Bonus = salary * 0.09 ElseIf performance = 3 Then Bonus = salary * 0.07 Else Bonus = 0 End If End Function 另請參閱Visual...