#execute_all_sql_script() $1:在哪个SCHEMA执行sql $2:sql 脚本所在的文件夹 function execute_all_sql_script() { for sqlfile in `ls $2` #$2 为执行脚本时后面跟的第2个参数 do if [ -d $2'/'${sqlfile} ]; then #如果是个子文件夹 则进去 递归 execute_all_sql_script $2'/'${sqlfil...
Function 函数式接口 使用注解@FunctionalInterface标识,并且只包含一个抽象方法的接口是函数式接口。函数式接口主要分为Supplier供给型函数、Consumer消费型函数、Runnable无参无返回型函数和Function有参有返回型函数。 Function可以看作转换型函数 Supplier供给型函数 Supplier的表现形式为不接受参数、只返回数据 Consumer消费...
This article explores the useful function SQL IF statement inSQL Server. 本文探讨了SQL Server中有用的函数SQL IF语句。 介绍(Introduction) In real life, we make decisions based on the conditions. For example, look at the following conditions. 在现实生活中,我们根据条件做出决定。 例如,查看以下情况。
function proxy(vm, sourceKeys, key) { Object.defineProperties(vm, sourceKeys, { enumerable: true, configurable: true, get: function() { return vm[sourceKeys][key]; }, set: function(val) { return vm[sourceKeys][key] = val; } }) } function initMethods(vm, methods) { for (let key...
// Create a function that points to the code int (*isEven)(int) = (int(*)(int))code; if (isEven(number)) printf("even\n"); else printf("odd\n"); CloseHandle(binFile); } 就是这样!现在我们已经具备了判断任何 32 位(32-bit)数字是奇是偶的所有功能,让我们试一试: ...
The AVERAGEIF function in Excel calculates the average of cells that meet one criteria. AVERAGEIFS calculates the average of cells that meet multiple criteria.
OR Function: Checks multiple conditions. Returns TRUE only if at least one of the conditions is TRUE else returns FALSE.=OR(condition1, condition2,...) ==> TRUE/FALSEIn the end, OR function provides IF function TRUE or FALSE argument and based on that IF prints the result. Alternate Sol...
InTextInput1, enter1234. Label1 shows the value1234as this is a valid input to the Value function. InTextInput1, enterToInfinity. Label1 shows the value-1as this isn't a valid input to the Value function. Without wrapping the Value function with IfError, the label would show no value ...
In this tutorial, we have introduced you to the MySQLIFfunction which helps you write query with condition embedded inSELECTclause. Reference http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/control-flow-functions.html#function_if – MySQL IF function ...
In stock </p> <pv-else-if="typewriterCount>0"> Very few left! </p> <pv-else> Not in stock </p> Try it Yourself » Use The Return Value from a Function Instead of using a comparison check with thev-ifdirective, we can use the 'true' or 'false' return value from a functio...