Method 4 – Use Excel VBA SUMIF to Create a UserForm and Get Sum Based on Cell Color This section applies the following code in theUserFormthat uses the ExcelSUMIFfunction to get a sum based on cell color. Simply follow the steps below to create theUserForm: Go toInsert,then toUserForm....
235, 156) End With With Application.ReplaceFormat .Interior.Color = RGB(255, 255, 255) With .Font .Color = RGB(255, 0, 0) .Bold = True .Italic = True End With End With Range("SearchRange").Replace What:="", Replacement:="", _ SearchFormat:=True, ReplaceFormat:=True,...
Define another name with the formula below. =GET.CELL(38,'Example 2'!B5) Apply the following formula in cellD5. =ColorCell Use theAutoFilltool to apply the formula to the whole column. Select cellE5and insert this formula. =IF(ColorCell=39,C5-C5*$E$12,"No Discount") Apply theAutoFi...
=IF(D3="","",YourFormula()) 如果(D3 没有内容,则不返回内容,否则,将计算你的公式)。
A single ‘if cell contains’ statement is easy, right? But what if you need to check multiple conditions in the same formula and return different results? That is, if a cell contains some text, then return something, if it contains another text, then return something else, and so on. ...
=IF(AND(A1="Yes",B1="Yes"),"N/A", IF(AND(A1="Yes",B1="No"),"P3", IF(AND(A1="No",B1="No"),"P2",""))) HiDamien_Rosario Your formula works just fine, butIFSfunction isn't available in all versions of Excel! It currently available only for Office 365 subscribers. ...
=SUMIFS(E2:E9,C2:C9,"<>8122747",A2:A9,"<>gsc*") Notes The most important thing is to prepare the data correctly. The numbers generated by the macro are what allow you to include or exclude values based on a cell's color.
Nested IF functions let you place multiple IF statements in the same cell, i.e. test multiple conditions within one formula and return different values depending on the results of those tests. Assume your goal is to assign different bonuses based on the score: ...
Text: the cell or text string you want to check if contains a specific text (the argument substring) Return value: This formula returns a logical value. If the cell contains the substring, the formula returns TRUE, or it returns FALSE. ...
The following formulas help to concatenate the corresponding cells in one column based on matching values in another column. 1. Select a blank cell besides the second column (here we select cell C2), enter formula =IF(A2<>A1,B2,C1 & "," & B2) into the formula bar, and then press th...