astr = "i love %(python)s " % {'python':m}print(astr) 大家可以根据自己的实际情况来选择合适的方法,推荐用字符串的format方法或者字典的占位格式化,因为它不会受参数的位置影响,只需要参数名称相同就行。 字符串截取我们可以通过索引来提取想要获取的字符,可以把python的字符串也做为字符串的列表就更好理解...
sum = 0 for i in range(1, n + 1): sum += m if flag == 0: print(m, end=" ") else: print("+ {}".format(m), end=" ") m = 10 * m + a flag += 1 print('值为',sum) main(6,3) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 1...
In[77]: wordtuple=('a','b','c','d','e','f') In[78]: wordset={'a','b','c','d','e','f'} In[79]: worddic={1:'a',2:'b',3:'c',4:'d',5:'e',6:'f'} In[80]:foriinwordlist: #列表循环对象 ...print('The No.{0} letter is {1}'.format(wordlist.index...
File "E:/python/", line 19, in <module> print(1+ "12") TypeError: unsupported operand type(s)for +: 'int' and 'str' 6.Python的所有的False print(False)#Falseprint(bool(0))#Falseprint(bool(""))#Falseprint(bool(()))#Falseprint(bool([]))#Falseprint(bool({}))#Falsepr...
Python中提供了多分支结构:if-elif-else。多分支结构可连接多个判断条件,产生多个分支,但各个分支间存在互斥关系,最终至多有一个分支被执行。多分支结构的语法格式如下: i£判断条件1: 代码段1elif判断条件2: 代码段2...elif判断条件n: 代码段nelse:代码段n+1 ...
Python 中,if、if else 和 if elif else 之间可以相互嵌套。因此,在开发程序时,需要根据场景需要,...
print "{} 小于 {}".format(number1,number2) elif number1 == number2: print '%s 等于 %s'%(number1,number2) else: print 'game is over' 嵌套语句2: name = input("请输入信息:") if name.endswith('hello'): if name.startswith('china'): ...
This one-liner approach retains the same functionality but in a more concise format. Ternary Operator in Pythonif...else Python doesn't have a ternary operator. However, we can useif...elseto work like a ternary operator in other languages. For example, ...
continue ... else: ... print("{} is odd number".format(a)) ... a -= 1 .....
deftest_demo01():n=1whileTrue:print("当前的的值为{}".format(n))n+=1ifn==4:pytest.skip("跳过的值为{}".format(n)) 三 skipif 语法:@pytest.mark.skipif(self,condition, reason=None)。 说明:跳过执行测试用例,condition参数为条件,可选参数reason,跳过的原因,会在执行结果中打印。