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IF(TRUE, “Does Not Exist”, “Exists”) → returns Does Not Exist for TRUE and Exists for FALSE Output → Does Not Exist Press Enter and drag down the Fill Handle tool. Here are the results. Method 6 – Using IF, ISNA, and MATCH Functions to Check If a Value Exists in a Range ...
VBA code: check if a certain range exists in Excel Sub CheckRanges() Dim chkRange As Range Dim areasName(2) As String Dim chkCnt As Long Dim i As Integer areasName(0) = "new" areasName(1) = "MyRange" areasName(2) = "Range2" Application.ScreenUpdating = False For i = 0 To ...
You can try my code, which will help you get all the sheet names in the specified Excel file. If you want to find out whether a specific sheet exists in an Excel file, just modify the Sub, pass in a String parameter name, that is the name of the sheet, and then compare whether t...
5 Methods to Return TRUE If a Value Exists in a Column in Excel Method 1 – Use a Simple Formula to Find TRUE If the Columns Match Steps: Use the following formula in the first cell of the result column (here,Cell D5). =B5=C5 ...
=WorksheetExists(A2) In the above image, “MasterSheet” does not exist in our sample workbook; hence, formula has given answer as False Code Explanation: This function takes the value for “WorksheetName” from the macro which performs other activities. If you...
While working on excel with lots of data, some times you want to check if a certain value exists in a list. This might seem a simple task when your list is small and you can check manually that whether the required value exists in that list. But when you
Here is another code to check if a sheet exists or not. Sub vba_check_sheet() Dim sht As Worksheet Dim shtName As String Dim i As Long i = Sheets.Count shtName = InputBox(Prompt:="Enter the sheet name", _ Title:="Search Sheet") ...
By attaching “>0” to the end of theCOUNTIF Function, we test if the function returns >0. If so, the formula returns TRUE (the value exists). =COUNTIF($E$3:$E$9,B3)>0 You can see above that the formula results in a TRUE statement for the name “Patrick Mitchell. On the oth...
VBA: Check if hyperlink exists in a selection Sub HyperlinkCells() Dim xAdd As String Dim xTxt As String Dim xCell As Range Dim xRg As Range On Error Resume Next xTxt = ActiveWindow.RangeSelection.AddressLocal Set xRg = Application.InputBox("Please select range:", "Kutools for Excel",...