When using Excel's IF function with multiple conditions, you must specify the logical test that combines conditions using the AND or OR functions. Suppose you wish to verify whether a score falls within the range of 60 to 80. In such a case, you can utilize the following formula: =IF(AN...
Here, the formula returns Pass if both conditions are true otherwise it will return Fail. Read More: IF with AND in an Excel Formula 2.2 OR Logic with IF Condition Let’s apply the OR function with multiple IF conditions. Consider a dataset where a student fails if they get less than ...
了解函数的语法是在 Excel 中正确有效应用函数的基础。让我们从嵌套 if 语句的语法开始。 句法: =IF(condition1, result1, IF(condition2, result2, IF(condition3, result3, result4))) 参数: Condition1, Condition2, Condition3: These are the conditions you want to test. Each condition is evaluated...
Before writing a formula, consider the order of functions you are going to nest. Excel will evaluate the logical tests in the order they appear in the formula. Once a condition evaluates to TRUE, the subsequent conditions are not tested, meaning the formula stops after the first TRUE result....
In Excel 2007 – 2016, a total of 64 conditions can nest up while working with multipleIFs. You have to maintain a proper order while working with multipleIFs. If your formula contains too manyIFs, it’s better to useORandANDfunctions with that. TheORandANDfunctions usually reduce the form...
if函数中多个并列的条件怎么定义? =IF(T29>=85,"优秀",IF(84>=T29>=75,"良好",IF(74>=T29>=60,"合格","不EXCEL多个条件判断:1:统计⼯龄情况,统计规则如下: ⼯龄>20为“长”,10"",if(or(a1={0,4,5,6,7}),2,if(or(a1={1,2,3,8}),5,"")),"")6:在Excel中,需要做条件判断,例...
To test multiple conditions and return different values based on the results of those tests, you can use theCHOOSE function instead of nested IFs. Build a reference table and a use VLOOKUP with approximate match as shown in this example:VLOOKUP instead of nested IF in Excel. ...
How Do You Use IF Function in Excel with 2 Conditions? To combine two criteria in an IF formula in Excel, use the AND or OR function in addition to the IF function. =whether(AND(A1>50, B1>60), "Pass", "Fail"), for example, will check to see whether the value in cell A1 is...