Syntax :if [ condition_command ] then command1 command2 …….. last_command ...
How to use if-else in shell script It is easy to see the syntax of a function and believe you know how to use it. But it is always a better choice to understand a function through examples because they help you understand the role that different aspects of a function play. Here are ...
例子:根据用户shell的结束符是否为sh来判定其是否为登录用户: #!/bin/bash # Shell=`grep "^$1:" /etc/passwd | cut -d: -f7` if [ -z $Shell ]; then echo "No shell." exit 3 fi if [[ "$Shell" =~ sh$ ]]; then echo "Login User." Ret=0 else echo "None Login User." Ret=...
if elif else Shell 支持任意数目的分支,当分支比较多时,可以使用 if elif else 结构,它的格式为:...
'Else if'in bash scripting, often written as'elif', is used to check multiple conditions in your code. It is used with the syntax,if [firstStatement]; then... elif [secondCondition]; then... else. It’s a powerful tool that allows your scripts to make decisions based on various scen...
else echo "hello ooo" fi Error : syntax error near unexpected token `then' 原因: 条件语句 [ 符号的两边都要留空格 if [ $platform = "winx64" ]---right 绿色标记为空格 if[ $platform = "winx64" ]---wrong if [$platform = "winx64" ]---wrong 2. 总结 2.1 空格 ...
在Shell脚本中,if是用于进行条件判断的关键字。它允许根据某个条件的真假来决定执行不同的代码块。if语句加上失败的基本结构如下: 代码语言:javascript 复制 if[condition];then # 当条件为真时执行的命令或代码块else# 当条件为假时执行的命令或代码块(可选) ...
一 什么是shell script : 将OS命令堆积到可执行的文件里,由上至下的顺序执行文本里的OS命令 就是脚本了. 再加上些智能(条件/流控)控制,就变成了智能化脚本了. 二 变量: 1 为何要有变量 程序的运行就是一些列状态的变值值的变化去表示 2 变量命名规则 ...
fi if (( $a == $b )) then echo "$a=$b" else echo "$a!=$b" fi #第二种写法 #!/bin/bash read -p "请输入两个整数:" a b #判断输入是否为空 [ -z "$a" ] || [ -z "$b" ] && { echo "输入错误,不能为空值,请输入两个整数" exit 1 } #判断是否为整数 expr $a + ...
在xshell下,用notepad++写了个简单的shell脚本,内容如下: 1#!/bin/bash23if["X$force"="X1"];then45echo167elif["X$force"="X2"];then89echo21011elif["X$force"="X3"];then1213echo31415else1617echo41819fi 运行报错:syntax error near unexpected token `elif' ...