If-elif-else Statement 在bash 脚本中,如果希望使用 if 语句应用多个条件,则使用 if elif else。在这种类型的条件语句中,如果满足第一个条件,则执行下面的代码,否则检查下一个 if 条件,如果不匹配,则执行下面的 else 语句中提到的命令。其语法和示例如下所示。 Syntax : if [ condition_command ] then comman...
A: In shell scripts, “if-else” statements are used to regulate the flow of execution based on particular conditions. This structure lets you take different actions or run alternative code blocks depending on whether a condition is true or false. ...
To understand if-else in shell scripts, we need to break down the working of the conditional function. Let us have a look at the syntax of the if-else condition block. if [condition] then statement1 else statement2 fi Copy Here we have four keywords, namely if, then, else and fi....
if-else Statement : if-else 语法 除了正常的if语句外,我们还可以用else语句扩展if语句。基本思想是,如果语句正确,则执行if块。如果该语句为false,则执行else块 。 Syntax : if [ condition_command ] then command1 command2 …….. last_command else command1 command2 …….. last_command fi ...
1、if语法格式 1.1 if格式 if condition; then commands; fi 1.2 else if 和 else if c...
'Else if'in bash scripting, often written as'elif', is used to check multiple conditions in your code. It is used with the syntax,if [firstStatement]; then... elif [secondCondition]; then... else. It’s a powerful tool that allows your scripts to make decisions based on various scen...
Naturally, this is not optimal. On top of this, involving more advanced shell features such as loops and conditions, we might end up with some complex syntax. 3. Conditional Statements As we’ve already seen, basicif–elsestatements conform to thePOSIXstandard: ...
I straightened out most of it, removed a number of unnecessary variables, and used pipelining in the main body of the code. I only have one machine so I can't verify that it works, but it's easier to read and has no syntax errors, missing parentheses, or missing braces. See...
is true should be enclosed in curly braces ({}) or terminated by a semicolon (;). Similarly, the else statement should be followed by the commands to be executed if the condition is false. Any deviation from the correct syntax may result in the if-else statements not executing as ...
if test -n "${var+x}"; then echo "var is set to <$var>" else echo "var is not set" fi Note that the first use case is much more common in shell scripts and this is what you will usually want to use. Notes This solution should work in all POSIX shells (sh, bash, zsh,...