switch(b){ case 1: if ((0 > a && a >= -1) || (12> a && a >= 8))//不等式判断应该写成这样 fprintf(stdout, "OK.\n"); else { fprintf(stderr, "WARNING !\n"); } break; case 2: if ((0 > a && a >= -1) || (15> a && a...
Python if…elif…else Statement Theif...elsestatement is used to execute a block of code among two alternatives. However, if we need to make a choice between more than two alternatives, we use theif...elif...elsestatement. Syntax ifcondition1:# code block 1elifcondition2:# code block 2...
对于上面的 if 分支语句,执行过程是非常简单的,即如果 if 条件为“真”,程序就会执行 if 条件后面的多条语句;否则就会依次判断 elif 条件,如果 elif 条件为“真”,程序就会执行 elif 条件后面的多条语句……如果前面所有条件都为“假”,程序就会执行 else 后的代码块(如果有)。 在上面的条件语句中,if express...
coding=utf-8s = input('单位大写')a = eval(s[3:])d = s[0:3]e ,r = 'USD','RMB'if d == e: print('RMB{:.2f}'.format(a * 6.78))elif d == r: print('USD{:.2f}'.format(a / 6.78))else: pass ...
SyntaxError : invalid syntax 不要随意缩进 需要说明的是,虽然 Python 语法允许代码块随意缩进 N 个空格,但同一个代码块内的代码必须保持相同的缩进,不能一会缩进 2 个空格,一会缩进 4 个空格。 例如如下代码:s_age = input("请输入您的年龄:")
else echo "hello ooo" fi Error : syntax error near unexpected token `then' 原因: 条件语句 [ 符号的两边都要留空格 if [ $platform = "winx64" ]---right 绿色标记为空格 if[ $platform = "winx64" ]---wrong if [$platform = "winx64" ]---wrong 2. 总结 2.1 空格 ...
IF/ELSE Syntax Error 4324 a a August 30, 2008 06:55PM Re: IF/ELSE Syntax Error 1355 William Chiquito August 30, 2008 07:29PM Sorry, you can't reply to this topic. It has been closed. This forum is currently read only. You can not log in or make any changes. This is a tempor...
(萌新)大佬们这if else时报错SyntaxError: invalid syntax是为啥 只看楼主 收藏 回复 Rlin22 白丁 1 谈情不如逗狗 探花 10 你是复制粘贴的吧?把else和print之间的空格删了,然后重新回车一下试试 IamRIGC 举人 4 少了个右括号 登录百度帐号 下次自动登录 忘记密码? 扫二维码下载贴吧客户端 下载贴吧APP...
Returns a copy of this with the ElseIfStatement property changed to the specified value. Returns this instance if the specified value is the same as the current value.