MATLAB 中一个if ... else语句的语法示例: if% statement(s) will execute if the boolean expression is trueelse% statement(s) will execute if the boolean expression is false end 如果布尔表达式的值为 “true”,那么执行 if 的代码块;如果布尔表达式的值为 “false”,else 的代码块将被执行。
if语句后面可以跟一个可选的else语句,该语句在表达式为false时执行。 语法(Syntax) MATLAB中if ... else语句的语法是 - if <expression> % statement(s) will execute if the boolean expression is true <statement(s)> else <statement(s)> % statement(s) will execute if the boolean expression is fal...
if语句后面可以跟一个else if...else语句,这对于使用单个if...else if语句测试各种条件非常有用。 语法(Syntax) if...else if...else语句的语法如下 - if boolean_expression_1 { /* Executes when the boolean expression 1 is true */ } else if boolean_expression_2 { /* Executes when the boolean...
1. Open example modelex_if_else_ML. 2. The MATLAB Function Block contains this function: functiony1 = fcn(u1, u2)ifu1 > u2; y1 = u1;elsey1 = u2;end 2. To build the model and generate code, pressCtrl+B. The code implementing theif-elseconstruct is in theex_if_else_ML_stepfunc...
Therefore, MATLAB does not need to evaluate the second part of the expression, which would result in an undefined function error. Tips You can nest any number of if statements. Each if statement requires an end keyword. Avoid adding a space after else within the elseif keyword (else if)...
Therefore, MATLAB does not need to evaluate the second part of the expression, which would result in an undefined function error. Tips You can nest any number of if statements. Each if statement requires an end keyword. Avoid adding a space after else within the elseif keyword (else if)...
MATLAB - if...else...end Statement - An if statement can be followed by an optional else statement, which executes when the expression is false.
Avoid adding a space afterelsewithin theelseifkeyword (else if). The space creates a nestedifstatement that requires its ownendkeyword. Extended Capabilities C/C++ Code Generation Generate C and C++ code using MATLAB® Coder™. HDL Code Generation ...
可以,但也可以用 if (state1)&&(state2)的形式,运算会快些 if (state1) ...执行(action1);elseif (state2)执行(action2);else 执行(action3);end
Octave /Matlab--Control Statements:for,while, if statement---Coursera ML笔记 >> v = zeros(10,1) v = 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 >> for i=1:10; v(i) = 2^i; end; >> v v = 2 4 8 16 32 64 128 256 512 1024 >> indices = 1:10; ...