PHP 中的if...elseif...else语句 它根据匹配条件执行代码。如果没有条件匹配,默认代码将在else块内执行。它结合了许多if...else语句。程序将尝试找出第一个匹配条件,一旦找到匹配条件,它就会执行其中的代码并中断 if 循环。如果没有给出else语句,程序默认不执行任何代码,将执行最后一个elseif后面的代码。
In PHP, it's possible to write else if (in two words) and the behavior would be identical to the one of elseif (in a single word). The syntactic meaning is slightly different (the same behavior as C) but the bottom line is that both would result in exactly the same behavior. ...
There is no good way to interpret the dangling else. One must pick a way and apply rules based on that. Since there is no endif before an else, there is no easy way for PHP to know what you mean. Vladimir Kornea (27-Dec-2006 05:59) The parser doesn't handle mixing alternative ...
When writing PHP, I don’t know why but I keep having to research thePHP one line if statementagain and again. I just can’t seem to remember it. Totally bizarre. There are many names for this construct. Theone liner ifis also known as theternary operatorif you want to look it up ...
} else { echo "The if statement evaluated to false"; } Display: The if statement evaluated to true This is a lot to digest in one sitting, so let us step through the code, line by line. We first made a PHP variable called $number_three and set it equal to 3. ...
fmt.Println("dayu10") }else if a<10{ fmt.Println("xiaoyu10"); }else { fmt....
在马甲皮之下,泷月凛不知第几次感叹起自己运气之差,接了任务来到这个世界。 最近公司内部推出了名为“流浪友情”的计划,顾名思义,就是为了拯救那些由于各种各样原因而BE的友情。一听就是个苦差事,部门里的人都不愿意去,最终还是抽签决定谁做身先士卒的人。
她就像初生的婴孩,睁开眼见到的第一个人就是赤司征十郎,便自发地只对他亲近、依赖。 未婚夫亲昵地伸手,似乎想要替她梳理头发。“是莱喜欢的铃兰。” 醒来这么多天,她从没接触过任何电子设备,医生说,她的大脑还没有恢复,不可以进行这种活动。 所以她只能和未婚夫待在一起。
} else { // Process single field $this->processRules($field, $setup['label'] ?? $field, $values, $rules, $data); } In this case, it input the one by one a.*.c field (a.0.c, a.1.c, etc...) by using foreach into the processRules() function to judge this field...
Run one of the following commands based on the operating system of the instance to view the error logs of Apache. You can analyze and troubleshoot the issue based on the error logs. If the instance runs a CentOS or Alinux operating system, run the following command to view ...