publicclassOddOrEven{publicstaticvoidmain(String[] args){intnumber=15;if(number %2==0) { System.out.println(number +" 是偶数"); }else{ System.out.println(number +" 是奇数"); } } } 在上述代码中,我们使用了模运算符(%)来检查数字是否能被2整除,从而判断其奇偶性。if-else语句的这种灵活性...
defeven_or_odd(num):ifnum%2==0:return"偶数"else:return"奇数"result=even_or_odd(5)print(result)# 输出:奇数 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 上述代码中,我们定义了一个函数even_or_odd,该函数接收一个参数num,并使用if语句判断num是否为偶数。如果是偶数,则返回字符串"偶数";否则,返回字符串"...
Determine algebraically if the following functions are even, odd, or neither. Confirm your answers graphically.h(x) = 相关知识点: 试题来源: 解析 h(-x)=(-x+π)^2 =x^2-2xx+π^2 =(x-π)^2 =—h(x), hence hix) is add. 6.67 fr X Ho 1010 f((x)= -π≤xφ -x...
解析 Rewrite the equation as a function of ( x). ( f(x)=(sin)(x)) Find ( f(-x)). ( f(-x)=-(sin)(x)) A function is even if ( f(-x)=f(x)). The function is not even A function is odd if ( f(-x)=-f(x)). The function is odd ...
We apply an IF loop to check whether the cell values are even or odd. If IsNumeric(p.Value) Then If p.Value Mod 2 = 0 Then p.Offset(0, 1).Value = "Even" Else p.Offset(0, 1).Value = "Odd" We end the IF loop with the END If functions, and activate the cells according ...
fmt.Println(num,"is even") } else { fmt.Println(num,"is odd") } } ``` 在上面的程序中,`num` 在 `if` 语句中进行初始化,`num` 只能从 `if` 和 `else` 中访问。也就是说 `num` 的范围仅限于 `if` `else` 代码块。如果我们试图从其他外部的 `if` 或者 `else` 访问 `num`,编译器会...
else: # 如果i是奇数 print("Odd:", i)在这个例子中,for循环遍历从0到4的整数。每次循环迭代时,都会检查当前的`i`值是否为偶数(即能否被2整除)。如果是偶数,就执行print函数打印出Even:和对应的数字;如果是奇数,则打印出Odd:和对应的数字。if语句可以有多个条件分支,例如使用elif:python for i in ...
通过使用函数式编程风格,我们可以将复杂的if-else语句转换为简洁的表达式,从而提高代码的可读性和可维护性。 复制 #include<iostream>#include<string>boolisEven(int number){returnnumber%2==0;}std::stringcheckEvenOrOdd(int number){returnisEven(number)?"偶数":"奇数";}intmain(){std::cout<<checkEvenOr...
解析 Write ( (662)⋅ 6) as a function. ( f(x)=(662)⋅ 6) Find ( f(-x)). ( f(-x)=3972) A function is even if ( f(-x)=f(x)). The function is not even A function is odd if ( f(-x)=-f(x)). The function is odd ...
else: print("The number is negative.") In this example, the outer "if" statement checks if the number is positive or negative. If it is positive, the inner "if" statement further checks if the number is even or odd. Based on the conditions, different messages will be printed....