文件大小(stat -c %s)将以字节为单位给予大小,其中df ${SFTP_PATH}将以kb为单位给出磁盘可用大小...
1. Using if-else to check whether two numbers are equal When trying to understand the working of a function like if-else in a shell script, it is good to start things simple. Here, we initialize two variables a and b, then use the if-else function to check if the two variables are...
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Here, based on the result ofTEST_COMMAND, the script either executes theTHEN_EXPRESSIONSorELSE_EXPRESSIONS. Obviously, there’s a lot of spacing in the above scripts, much of which may not be needed. Let’s see how we can use that to our advantage. ...
51CTO博客已为您找到关于powershell else if的相关内容,包含IT学习相关文档代码介绍、相关教程视频课程,以及powershell else if问答内容。更多powershell else if相关解答可以来51CTO博客参与分享和学习,帮助广大IT技术人实现成长和进步。
else echo "bbb" fi 运行结果: aaa -lt 是 less than的缩写。 2 shell script 中 if...else 的语法 if 某一判断条件 then ... elif 另一判断条件 then ... else ... fi 再看一个稍微复杂一点的例子: #!/bin/bash echo "Please enter your age:" ...
...,将其注册到spring容器中;我们将核心的功能封装在HandlerProcessor类中,完成上面的功能。...ClassScanner:扫描工具类源码 HandlerProcessor需要实现BeanFactoryPostProcessor,在spring处理bean前,将自定义的bean注册到容器中。...总结利用策略模式可以简化繁杂的if else代码,方便维护,而利用自定义注解和自注册的方式,...
今天就给大家介绍下Shell判断语句 if else 用法。if 语句通过关系运算符判断表达式的真假来决定执行哪个分支。Shell有三种 if else格式:if … fi 格式if … else … fi 格式if … el shell if 如何执行hive语句 Linux命令 Linux系列教程 Shell 技术知识...
echo "You Pick up Unix (Sun Os)" else ### nested if i.e. if within if ### if [ $osch -eq 2 ] ; then echo "You Pick up Linux (Red Hat)" else echo "What you don't like Unix/Linux OS." fi fi Run the above shell script as follows: $ chmod...