If-elif-else Statement 在bash 脚本中,如果希望使用 if 语句应用多个条件,则使用 if elif else。在这种类型的条件语句中,如果满足第一个条件,则执行下面的代码,否则检查下一个 if 条件,如果不匹配,则执行下面的 else 语句中提到的命令。其语法和示例如下所示。 Syntax : if [ condition_command ] then comman...
Here, based on the result of TEST_COMMAND, the script either executes the THEN_EXPRESSIONS or ELSE_EXPRESSIONS. Obviously, there’s a lot of spacing in the above scripts, much of which may not be needed. Let’s see how we can use that to our advantage. 4. Compacting Bash Conditional ...
1、If / Else Statements (Shell Scripting) 2、How to check Conditions with if statement in shell Scripting 3、第十二章、學習 Shell Scripts[推荐] 更多精彩内容,就在简书APP "生活可以忙忙碌碌随大流,但思想却可以偷偷摸摸求上进。" 赞赏支持还没有人赞赏,支持一下 ...
If this, then that else something else. Doesn't make sense? It will after you learn about the if-else statements in bash shell scripting. Bash supports if-else statements so that you can use logical reasoning in your shell scripts.
'Else if'in bash scripting, often written as'elif', is used to check multiple conditions in your code. It is used with the syntax,if [firstStatement]; then... elif [secondCondition]; then... else. It’s a powerful tool that allows your scripts to make decisions based on various scen...
if elif else Shell 支持任意数目的分支,当分支比较多时,可以使用 if elif else 结构,它的格式为:...
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> - is greater than, in ASCII alphabetical order - if [[ "$a" > "$b" ]] -z - string is null, that is, has zero length Examples: [ s1 = s2 ] (true if s1 same as s2, else false) [ s1 != s2 ] (true if s1 not same as s2, else false) ...
注释:$* 和 $@ 都表示传递给函数或脚本的所有参数,不被双引号(" ")包含时,都以"$1" "$2" ...