C If Else Statement C If Else statement is kind of an extension toC IfStatement. In C If statement, we have seen that execution of a block of statements depends on a condition. In If Else statement, we have one more block, called else block, which executes when the condition is false....
Working of if-else Statement in C Let’s explore how the “if-else” statement works in C: if-else Syntax in C: The basic syntax of the “if-else” statement is as follows: if (condition) { // Code block executed if the condition is true } else { // Code block executed if the...
In this program, we take a number from the user. We then use theif...else if...elseladder to check whether the number is positive, negative, or zero. If the number is greater than0, the code inside theifblock is executed. If the number is less than0, the code inside theelse if...
if (number < 5) { number += 5; } else { number -= 5; } In this example, the statement number += 5; will be executed only if the value of number is less than 5. The statement number -= 5; will be executed if the value of number is greater than or equal to 5. How if...
If none of the conditions returntrue, then the code inside theelseblock will be executed. Following is a simple example of using theif-else-ifstatement in the c# programming language. intx =5; if(x ==10) { Console.WriteLine("x value equals to 10"); ...
The following examples demonstrate conditional execution of blocks with if/else. if_stm.c #include <stdio.h> int main() { int num = 4; if (num > 0) { printf("The number is positive\n"); } return 0; } In the example we have a simple condition; if thenumvariable is positive, ...
When we need to execute a block of statements only when a given condition is true then we use if statement. In the next tutorial, we will learn C if..else, nested if..else and else..if. C - If statement Syntax of if statement: The statements inside the b
That is why I have decided to clarify once and for all the differences in the statements: if, else, else if. As I have never liked theory and have always preferred to use good examples to learn things, this will be no exception. So I will use my mother as an example (don’t worry...
else { False-block; } Here, two blocks,True-blockandFalse-block. Iftest-conditionis true (non zero value),True-blockwill execute and iftest-conditionis false,False-blockwill execute. Example Consider the following example /*program to check entered year is leap year or not.*/#include ...
Real-Life Examples This example shows how you can useif..elseto "open a door" if the user enters the correct code: Example intdoorCode =1337; if(doorCode ==1337) { printf("Correct code.\nThe door is now open."); }else{ printf("Wrong code.\nThe door remains closed.");...