在SQL函数中,IF-ELSE是一种条件控制结构,用于根据特定条件执行不同的操作。它允许在SQL查询中根据条件选择不同的逻辑路径。 IF-ELSE语句的一般语法如下: ``` IF conditi...
我有个问题 sql_query := ' Select A,B,C from table where A = 'DG54FDG45SD' and B = 'FS487' ; 我想添加一个if子句,如下所示: sql_query := ' Select A,B,C,D from table where A = 'DG54FDG45SD' and B = 'FS487' and (if C = 'AR' 浏览5提问于2020-09-01得票数 0 1回...
没看到具体代码实现,只能从字面来理解这代码的意思:DAS应该是一个数据访问封装对象,EXCESQL 是执行SQL语句的意思,其返回值为BOOL型,IF就是判断Das对象执行SQL后,返回值如是TRUE就执行自己的代码。
一->select * from t_ user where sex ='男‘<iftest="name !=null and name !=''"><!-- test可以写表达示-->and user_ name like #{name}</if> 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 测试类: @Test public void testqueryUserL ikeName(){ List<User>list = this . userMapper . quer...
if 结构类似于java中的if ...else if...else 语法: if 条件语句1 then 语句1; else if 条件语句2 then 语句2; ... else 语句N; end if; 实例: 1、在存储过程中。写一个存储过程,实现用户的更新和新增,如果id存在就更新,不存在就新增 循环: mysql中的循环有三种写法: while:类似于java的while循环 ...
SQL העתק IF 1 = 2 PRINT 'Boolean expression is true.' ELSE PRINT 'Boolean expression is false.'; GO B. Use a query as part of a Boolean expressionThe following example executes a query as part of the Boolean expression. Because there are 10 bikes in the Product table ...
ELSE INSERT INTO Terminal (ID, type_ID, Name,IP_address,tags,create_access_ID,Status_ID) VALUES (`Id`, `type_ID`,`anshu`,``,`Registery`,`a59660306a0e1e`,`0`); ABOVE QUERY NOT WORKING IN MYSQL 8.0 FOLLOWING ERROR OCCURRED ...
Imposes conditions on the execution of a U-SQL statement which is evaluated at compile time. The U-SQL statement that follows an IF keyword and its condition is executed if the condition is satisfied: the Boolean expression returns TRUE. The optional ELSE keyword introduces another U-SQL ...
IF...ELSE元素在SQL Server中,是用于控制代码程流(逻辑处理)。如果条件为TRUE,则执行指定的语句或语句块;如果条件为FALSE或UNKNOWN则执行指定的另外语句或语句块。ELSE部分是可选的。演示:代码Code highlighting produced by Actipro