if... elif... else if也就是如果的意思,后面需要加一个判断条件,如果判断条件为真,则执行if下的操作,如果为假则跳过操作 注意在每个判断条件后面要加上冒号,且if下面的语句要注意缩进 In [1]: num = 20 In [2]: if num > 10: ...: print("条件成立") ...: 条件成立 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6...
In [5]:ifname="susmote":#如果不用“==”比较值,则会报语法错误 ...:print("名字是susmote") ...: File"<ipython-input-5-06510f3ebd56>", line1 ifname="susmote": ^ SyntaxError: invalid syntax 其他的关系运算符如下 大于等于 >= 小于等于 <= elif在其他语言中叫 “ else if ”,python简...
1、忘记写冒号 在if、elif、else、for、while、class、def 语句后面忘记添加 “:” if spam == 42 print('Hello!') 1. 2. 导致:SyntaxError: invalid syntax 2、误用 “=” 做等值比较 “=” 是赋值操作,而判断两个值是否相等是 “==” if spam = 42: print('Hello!') 1. 2. 导致:SyntaxError:...
False- the body ofelseexecutes, and the body ofifis skipped Let's look at an example. Working of if…else Statement Example: Python if…else Statement number = int(input('Enter a number: '))ifnumber >0:print('Positive number')else:print('Not a positive number')print('This statement ...
第9条:避免for~else 语法 Item 9: Avoid else Blocks After for and while Loops Python具有循环后else的特殊语法。...for xxx: do_something else: some_statements else块会在循环没有被b...
python 是哪个版本,是不是编码的问题。coding=utf-8s = input('单位大写')a = eval(s[3:])d = s[0:3]e ,r = 'USD','RMB'if d == e: print('RMB{:.2f}'.format(a * 6.78))elif d == r: print('USD{:.2f}'.format(a / 6.78))else: pass ...
When there are multiple conditions to check, you can use the elif clause (short for "else if"). Python evaluates each condition one by one until it finds one that is True. If none are True, the else block is executed. Syntax:
2回复贴,共1页 <<返回python吧(萌新)大佬们这if else时报错SyntaxError: invalid syntax是为啥 只看楼主 收藏 回复 Rlin22 白丁 1 谈情不如逗狗 探花 10 你是复制粘贴的吧?把else和print之间的空格删了,然后重新回车一下试试 IamRIGC 举人 4 少了个右括号 ...
The if-else statement is used to code the same way you would use it in the English language. The syntax for the if-else statement is: if(condition): Indented statement block for when condition is TRUE else: Indented statement block for when condition is FALSE Source: python by Programiz ...
如果按中文习惯写嵌套列表生成式可能写出如下的错误语法 Python的语法是按英文阅读方式设计的,因此,正常的方式应该是 或者用更简洁的形式 [false,true][condition] is the syntax :通过示例学习Python列表推导 if/else in Python's list comprehension?python one-line list comprehension: if-else ...