ELSE条件:ELSE是IF语句的最后一个条件,用于在前面所有条件都为假时执行的代码块。如果IF和ELSIF条件都为假,则执行与ELSE关联的代码块。 下面是一个示例,演示如何在PostgreSQL中使用IF的三个条件: 代码语言:txt 复制 IF condition1 THEN -- 执行与condition1关联的代码块 ELSIF condition2 THEN -- 执行与condition...
我已经有一个有效的查询,但它在" in“语句中有1000+结果的oracle停止工作。 delete from t1 where t1.oid IN (SELECT oid from t2 WHERE [condition]) 我读过有关连接的内容,但postgresql使用的是"using“关键字 DELETE [target table] FROM [table1] INNER JOIN [table2] ON [table1. 浏览31提问...
18 Dynamic SQL (EXECUTE) as condition for IF statement 1 How do I only truncate a table in PSQL if only that table exist? Related 1 Truncating table before dynamic SQL with looping variables inside of one function 5 PostgreSQL: how do I set the search_path from inside a function? 7...
Compare two mailbox users directly in compare-object scriptblock compare two strings in if-then-else statement Compare two text files in Powershell and if a name is found in both files output content from file 2 to a 3rd text file Compare-Object : Cannot bind argument to parameter 'Re...
Also, you were trying to create konguser under the condition that a kongdb user doesn't exist, which is a different user. Your second attempt is perfectly valid as well, except the echo: DO $$ BEGIN IF NOT EXISTS ( SELECT FROM pg_user WHERE usename = 'konguser') THEN...
If these columns do not have a UNIQUE constraint, then it is plausible that multiple rows may match the upsert condition. In this case, no upsert should be performed as it is ambiguous as to which record should be updated. To enforce this from pandas, each row would need to be ...
import"github.com/jackc/pgconn"...ifstrings.Contains(err.(*pgconn.PgError).Message,"duplicate key value violates unique constraint") {}//even you can change the condition to check on `Code` as well instead of `Message` senseijack, loeffel-io, Bingmang, pioz, cdz620, Rustixir, ssmally...
checking the Condition continuously whether the service is stopped or not Clear Generic Credentials from Credential Manager Clearing AD MSRtcsip Attributes , Powershell NEWB Click button on web-page using power shell is not working Clone Windows 10 Cloning objects in powershell Close a powershell win...
如果condition为真,则执行THEN语句块中的代码;如果condition为假,则跳过THEN语句块,继续执行下一个ELSEIF条件;如果所有条件都为假,则执行ELSE语句块中的代码。 IF语句的应用场景包括: 数据过滤:可以根据条件过滤查询结果,只返回符合条件的数据。 数据更新:可以根据条件更新数据表中的记录。 数据插入:可以根据条件插入...
CASE WHEN condition1 THEN result1 WHEN condition2 THEN result2 ... ELSE result END 其中,condition1、condition2等是条件,result1、result2等是对应条件满足时返回的结果。ELSE子句是可选的,用于指定当所有条件都不满足时返回的结果。 CASE表达式的应用场景很广泛,可以用于根据不同的条件进行数据转换、分类、筛...