else:a ="普通"return adf = pd.read_excel("c:/study_note/xiao_if.xlsx",sheet_name="成绩单")df["是否优秀"] = Nonefor i in range(len(df)):df["是否优秀"][i] = score_if(df["总成绩"][i],df["性别"][i])这里用到了条件且在自定义函数里面,因为自定义函数有两个参数,我再后面用...
else: a ="普通" return a df = pd.read_excel("c:/study_note/xiao_if.xlsx",sheet_name="成绩单") df["是否优秀"] = None for i in range(len(df)): df["是否优秀"][i] = score_if(df["总成绩"][i],df["性别"][i]) 这里用到了条件且在自定义函数里面,因为自定义函数有两个参数,...
else: a ="普通" return a df = pd.read_excel("c:/study_note/xiao_if.xlsx",sheet_name="成绩单") df["是否优秀"] = None for i in range(len(df)): df["是否优秀"][i] = score_if(df["总成绩"][i],df["性别"][i]) 这里用到了条件且在自定义函数里面,因为自定义函数有两个参数,...
Excel嵌套的IF语句返回False 我正在构造一个嵌套的IF语句,我相信我遗漏了一个ELSE语句,但我不知道在哪里。例如,当使用B2=4、E2=R37和X2=Y时,我期望的是“非竞争”,但收到的却是FALSE。我还尝试了OR的组合: AND(B41="4",E41<>"R37",RIGHT(Z41, ...
= DAndMonthName(Month(.Cells(i,2).Value)) = MAndYear(.Cells(i,2).Value) = YThen.Cells(L,8).Value = .Cells(i,2).Value L = L +1EndIfCaseElseMsgBox"Wrong Info"EndSelectNextiEndWithEndSub excel vba Share Improve this question ...
1 If elseif statement Excel VBA 0 If else statement in VBA 2 Excel VBA IF ElseIf 1 Using IF in VBA 0 VBA IF Else Conditions Hot Network Questions After traveling 250,000,000 miles, how much is the laser from the Psyche spacecraft attenuated by having to go through Earth's ...
AND Function: The AND function in Excel evaluates all the arguments provided and returns TRUE if all the arguments are TRUE, else it returns FALSE. OR Function: The Excel OR function assesses multiple arguments and yields a TRUE result if at least one of the arguments is TRUE; otherwise, it...
Check if a cell matches specific text Use theIFfunction to return results for the condition that you specify. Check if part of a cell matches specific text To do this task, use theIF,SEARCH, andISNUMBERfunctions. Note:TheSEARCHfunction is case-insensitive....
对比Excel,用Pandas轻松搞定IF函数操作 大家好,我是才哥。 在Excel中IF 函数是最常用的函数之一,它可以对值和期待值进行逻辑比较。因此IF语句可能有两个结果:第一个结果是比较结果为 True,第二个结果是比较结果为 False。 例如,=IF(C2=”Yes”,1,2)表示 IF(C2 = Yes, 则返回 1, 否则返回 2)。