7}elseif(number<0){ 8printf("The number is negative.\n"); 9}else{ 10printf("The number is zero.\n"); 11} 12return0; 13} In this program, the number is evaluated against three conditions to determine if it is positive, negative, or zero, showcasing how else-if ladders efficiently...
在本练习中,你将使用if、else和else if语句来优化代码中的分支选项并修复逻辑 bug。 使用if 和 else 语句,而不是两个单独的 if 语句 不是执行两项检查来显示消息“你获胜了!”或“抱歉,你失败了”,而是将使用else关键字。 确保Program.cs 代码与以下内容匹配: ...
In this program, we take a number from the user. We then use theif...else if...elseladder to check whether the number is positive, negative, or zero. If the number is greater than0, the code inside theifblock is executed. If the number is less than0, the code inside theelse if...
其实,你有没有觉得,jle 和 jmp 指令,有点像程序语言里面的 goto 命令,直接指定了一个特定条件下的跳转位置。虽然我们在用高级语言开发程序的时候反对使用 goto,但是实际在机器指令层面,无论是 if...else... 也好,还是 for/while 也好,都是用和 goto 相同的跳转到特定指令位置的方式来实现的。
}elseif(marks >=60) { cout <<"Grade C"; }elseif(marks >=40) { cout <<"Grade D"; }else{ cout <<"Grade F"; }return0; } Output: Grade B Explanation: The C++ code above illustrates the functioning of an if-else-if ladder statement. The program takes marks of a student as in...
if (x > 10) { if (y > 20) Console.Write("Statement_1"); } else Console.Write("Statement_2"); In this case,Statement_2will be displayed if the condition(x > 10)evaluates tofalse Example 1 In this example, you enter a character from the keyboard and the program checks if the in...
Menu Selection: Interactive menus benefit from “if-else” statements. In a basic calculator program, users can choose an operation by entering a number, and the program responds accordingly: int choice; printf("Select operation:\n1. Addition\n2. Subtraction\n3. Multiplication\n4. Division\n");...
(gain - 200000)*0.05; else if (gain <= 600000) prize = prize4 + (gain - 400000)*0.03; else if (gain <= 1000000) prize = prize6 + (gain - 600000)*0.015; else prize = prize10 + (gain - 1000000)*0.01; printf("The prize is :%d\n", prize); getchar(); system("pause")...