1) #if defined XXX_XXX #endif 是条件编译,是根据你是否定义了XXX_XXX这个宏,而使用不同的代码。 一般.h文件里最外层的 #if !defined XXX_XXX #define XXX_XXX #endif 是为了避免.h头文件被重复include。 2) #error XXXX 是用来产生编译时错误信息XXXX的,一般用在预处理...
these be fine thingsan ifthey be not sprites— Shakespeare Word History Etymology anentry2 First Known Use 13th century, in the meaning definedabove Time Traveler The first known use ofan ifwas in the 13th century See more words from the same century ...
set num=100 if defined str echo str 已经被定义了 if defined num echo num 已经被定义了 if not defined var echo var 没有被定义 pause 执行结果: str 已经被定义了 num 已经被定义了 var 没有被定义 请按任意键继续. . . 5、else 使用的注意事项 ELSE 子句必须出现在同一行上的 IF 之后。例如: ...
message("cache cacheVar defined: ${cacheVar}") endif() if(DEFINED cacheVar) # 无法区分普通变量或缓存变量 message("cacheVar defined: ${cacheVar}") endif() if(DEFINED var2 AND (NOT DEFINED CACHE{var2})) # 判断一个变量是否为普通变量 message("var2 defined and is not a cache variable"...
[translate] awhich are then allotted credited as fully paid to the persons entitled or as they may direct . 那然后被分配相信如完全向人付款名为或当他们指引。 [translate] acapitalized terms are defined in the Plan if not defined herein 大写的期限在如果不此中被定义的计划被定义 [translate] ...
illdefined problem ilo international lab ilo conventions ilo international lab ilocos sur province iloilo city ilona and gordon andr ilona slupianek ilopango lake ilpaizgdhvy ilu institute of lond ilya konovalov ilya rashap im cctld im - agery im armstrong im auftrag verkaufen im exposed im fine...
Asthma drugs are not addictive and you don't need to keep increasing the dose. If anything, the reverse is true. 哮喘药物不会造成药物依赖,你不用持续增大剂量。甚至正相反,减小剂量才对。 柯林斯高阶英语词典 Living together didn't harm our friendship. If anything it strengthened it... 在一起...
if fulfil if have no if he be poor and not if he becomes a star if he betrays you twi if he gets lost if he refused if i aint got you fea if i am seriousbr if i come all the way if i could find the w if i could stop the m if i could take you t if i could try it...
i这是for循环中的变量 if not define %%i set %%i=s 如果%%i中的值不是已经定义的变量的话,将其值作为变量名,该变量的值为s 如有test.txt文件,内容为 a b c 则 for %%i in (test.txt) do if not defined %%i set %%i=s 将生成三个变量 a=s, b=s, c=s ...
@echooffsetnum=abcIFDEFINED num (echonum被定义)ELSEechonum未定义pause IF [/I] string1 compare-op string2 command [/i]:加上/i,不区分大小写 @echooffIFa EQU A (echo相等)ELSEecho不相等!pause 加i: @echooffIF/i a EQU A (echo相等)ELSEecho不相等!pause ...