IF CONTAINS([技能],"剑") THEN "剑法"ELSEIF CONTAINS([技能],"刀") THEN "刀法"ELSE "其他" ENDCONTAINS函数是Tableau特有的,返回的也是一个布尔逻辑值,相当于SQL中的WHEN 技能REGEXP"[刀]" (这里是正则查找,返回的也是逻辑值),也相当于Excel中的ISNUMBER(FIND("刀","狂风刀法",1))6从字符串里提取...
新建Tableau工作簿,并连接到花名册表,新建计算字段技能类型,代码如下: IF CONTAINS([技能],"剑") THEN "剑法" ELSEIF CONTAINS([技能],"刀") THEN "刀法" ELSE "其他" END 打开网易新闻 查看精彩图片 CONTAINS函数是Tableau特有的,返回的也是一个布尔逻辑值,相当于SQL中的WHEN 技能 REGEXP"[刀]" (这里是...
新建Tableau工作簿,并连接到花名册表,新建计算字段技能类型,代码如下: IF CONTAINS([技能],"剑") THEN "剑法" ELSEIF CONTAINS([技能],"刀") THEN "刀法" ELSE "其他" END CONTAINS函数是Tableau特有的,返回的也是一个布尔逻辑值,相当于SQL中的WHEN 技能 REGEXP"[刀]" (这里是正则查找,返回的也是逻辑值)...
IF CONTAINS([技能],"剑") THEN "剑法" ELSEIF CONTAINS([技能],"刀") THEN "刀法" ELSE "其他" END CONTAINS函数是Tableau特有的,返回的也是一个布尔逻辑值,相当于SQL中的WHEN技能REGEXP"[刀]"(这里是正则查找,返回的也是逻辑值),也相当于Excel中的ISNUMBER(FIND("刀","狂风刀法",1)) 6从字符串里...
Similar to the IF Statement Tableau, IIF Statement returns a TRUE value when the conditional expression is satisfied, and a FALSE value for a failed condition. However, when the data contains values that yield an “unknown” result from the boolean comparison, the IIF Statement will either ...
COUNT(IF ((CONTAINS([A1],"Text1") OR CONTAINS([A1],"Text2")) AND [A2]="Text2") THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) then make this another COUNT(IF (NOT(CONTAINS([A1],"Text1")) AND NOT(CONTAINS([A1],"Text2")) AND [A2]<>"Text2") THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) then add them together to ...
Développer le tableau Value Axis Description 0 This query table field does not contain sort criteria. 1 This query table field contains sort criteria for the first sort key as specified in the Sort record. 2 This query table field contains sort criteria for the second sort key as speci...
我正在做一个从tableau到power bi.Stuck的仪表板转换,在tableau中计算尺寸,需要使用dax转换为powerbi! 通过替换tableau中的IFNULL语句。我用一个IF语句尝试了dax中的ISBLANK参数,该语句应该检查字段是否返回空值。我的dax知识有限,我想这个问题真的很简单,但我被这个问题困了好几个小时。V_FIPnLDashboard_Tne[Supplie...
Before bringing in the extension make sure you have at least one worksheet on the dashboard that contains the dimension you want to pull values from. For example, if you wanted to do what-if analysis on the product categories like in the above image, you would need a worksheet on your ...
When you register a new network configuration detection client, the first notification that it receives is of the fwx_ncd_Startup type, and the Parameters member of the FwxNcdEvent structure provided with this notification contains the value for this parameter. ppunkContext [out] Address of a ...