If you’re certain an iron-fortified formula contributes to constipation, use all the treatments recommended. If baby is still constipated, give him a low-iron formula for two months. Then, once your baby’s intestines are more mature and his toleration increases, you can switch back to a f...
"[Sorbitol] helps stimulate digestion by helping to move water into the large intestine." So, if you're feeling a bit constipated or more blocked-up than usual, turn to prunes before you
There may be a tear or a fistula around the anal opening, that is oozing out the clear liquid. Or, there may be an abscess that’s leaking fluid. You need to get examined. Blood The fluid may be blood stained or you may get frank blood coming out of the anus. The commonest cause...
Be aware that an older cat or one with arthritis, may not be able to access the litter box as they once could. 2 Look for straining in the litter box. Without the presence of fecal matter, is usually the first sign that your cat may be constipated. They can sometimes cry out or ap...