grep #!/bin/kshgrep$NAME filenameif[ $? -eq0]echo"Name Found"elseecho"Name not Found"fi 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. The $? holds the exit status of the previously executed command. Check the man page please. 来源:
for item in *.json; do # grep "perl" "$item" > /dev/null #为了不在屏幕上显示grep结果 # 或者: grep -q "perl" "$item" if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then #如果搜索到perl,则$?会是0,否则为1 echo $item #输出含有perl的文件,对应的文件名 fi done 标签: BASH , grep 好文要顶 关注我 ...
foritemin*.json;do#grep"perl""$item"> /dev/null#为了不在屏幕上显示grep结果 # 或者:grep-q"perl""$item"if[ $? -eq0];then#如果搜索到perl,则$?会是0,否则为1echo$item #输出含有perl的文件,对应的文件名fidone
if CONDITON; then statement statement fi CONDITION条件的写法: COMMAND [ expression ] expression表达式: 数学表达式 字符表达式 文件目录表达式 数学表达式: [ number1 -eq number2 ] 等于 [ number1 -ne number2 ] 不等于 [ number1 -gt number2 ] 大于 [ number1 -ge number2 ] 大于等于 [ number1...
Bash脚本是一种在Linux和Unix系统中使用的脚本语言,用于自动化执行一系列命令和任务。它可以通过if条件和and运算符来实现条件判断和逻辑运算。 if条件是Bash脚本中用于进行条件判断的关键字。通过if条件,可以根据条件的真假来执行不同的代码块。if条件的语法如下: 代码语言:txt 复制 if condition then # code block ...
puts "Success Condition2 : $count\n"; } else { puts "False : $count\n"; } Expect Looping Constructs Expect For Loop Examples: As we know, for loop is used to do repeated execution of expression until certain condition. General for loop construct : ...
Here, instead of using any regex operator or thegreptool itself, I do an exact match for every element of an array. I also use a "flag" variable (matched) to check if the match actually occured or not. 💡 I can embed the if-condition in the loop itself, but that would only be...
eviction-pressure-transition-period: indicates a period for which the kubelet has to wait before transitioning out of an eviction pressure condition. The default value is 5 minutes. If the time exceeds the threshold, the node is set toDiskPressureorMemoryPressure. Then some pods running on the ...
2019-05-19 10:20 −(1)流程控制不可以为空; (2)if [ $(ps -ef | grep -c "ssh") -gt 1 ]; then echo "true"; fi 条件用方括号,不是圆括号; (3)for var in item1 item2 ... itemN; do command1; command2... 一字千金 ...
Below is an example of a negative condition on a grep command. if ! grep -q lookupWord "$myFile"; then echo 'Failed to grep'; fi How to use the BASH_REMATCH variable with the Regular Expression Operator =~? The Regular Expression conditional operator =~ takes a string value on the...